2025 Reading Challenges



Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2024 hosted by My Reader's Block.

This year, I am once again setting my goal at Mt. Vancouver, 36 books from my TBR shelves. Even though I rarely buy books for myself, I seem to be losing the battle, and my TBR bookcase now has double rows on one shelf!

Note that the challenge allows e-books and audios to count, but my main goal is to get through some of the physical books I own, so I only count physical books. This challenge has monthly review link-ups.

Since I am also on YouTube, I will also reference the Read What You Own challenge there, hosted by Criminolly

  1. Wintering by Katherine May
  2. Writers and Lovers by Lily King
  3. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
  4. The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon


2025 Motif Reading Challenge hosted by Tanya and Kim at Chapter Adventure.

This is one of my favorite annual challenges, from a great blog with two hosts. The idea is simple: read a book to fit each month's motif. Their monthly themes are always fun! Here are the motifs for 2025:


JAN- “Punctuated Titles”

Read a book that uses a form of punctuation in its title. Question marks, commas, periods, exclamation marks, etc. (none)

FEB- “Emotional Rollercoaster”

Read a book that will make you feel all the feels! A romantic rollercoaster ride; psychological rollercoaster ride; any emotional journey works. Take your pick! Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad

MAR- “It’s All Geek to Me”

Read a book where technology, science, math, or engineering plays an important role in the story.

APR- “Spring Cleaning”

Read a book that’s been on your TBR (to be read) list for two or more years.

MAY- “Virtual Book Club”

Read a book from a celebrity/influencer book club list, an organization’s book club list, your library’s book club lists, or a book club you’re a part of.

JUN- “No Biz Like Show Biz”

Read a book in which the character(s) is involved in some aspect of the entertainment industry OR read a book that has been turned into a tv show or movie.

JUL- “Single Day Story”

Read a book that takes place over the course of a single day.

AUG- “Vacation Location”

Read a book that takes you to a location you’d love to visit OR read a book that explores elements of that place or culture.

SEP- “Birds, Bugs, Botanicals”

Read a book with birds, bugs, or botanicals that are on the cover, in the title, or part of the story.

OCT- “The Dark Side”

Read a book with a ‘dark’ story OR read a book with a mostly black cover. “Dark” is up for interpretation. This could be dark academia, horror, difficult subject matters, creepy settings, books that take place at night, etc.

NOV- “Popcorn Fiction”

A book that makes for light but enjoyable reading Binge-worthy and low stakes. One-sitting reads. Quick and fun palate cleansers.

DEC- “Snuggle Up & Read”

Let’s get cozy! Read some cozy fiction, a cozy mystery, or a cozy romance book.


The Classic Six Challenge hosted on Booktube by Suey's Book Banter.

This new challenge, hosted by one of my Booktube buddies, is perfect for me! The rules are super simple: read six classics (published in 1975 or later) in 2025. She's got a group set up on Storygraph, which I'm not on, so I'm participating through the Goodreads group

I also plan to join Melinda at A Web of Stories, who is hosting her personal Classics Challenge, with 6 classics you can read-along with this year, and I hope to join her for March/April in reading Madam Bovary, which is on my shelf. 

  1. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton


2025 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge hosted by Escape with Dollycas Into a Good Book.

(For Q, X, and Z, you can count any word in the title, not just the first word, and this year, a word starting with EX can count for X). There is a Storygraph group and a Facebook group, where you can post the books you read for the challenge. The Facebook group also has monthly mini challenges.

A - 

B - The Briar Club by Kate Quinn

C - Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks: Civil Rights Heroes by Tracey Baptiste and Shauna J. Grant

D -

E - 

F - 

G -

H -

I -

J -

L - Lunar New Year Love Story by Gene Yuen Lang and LeUyen Pham

M - 

N - 

O - The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

P - 

Q - 

R - 

S -

T - Two Degrees by Alan Gratz

U -


W - Wintering by Katherine May


Y - 

Z  -


2025 Nonfiction Reader Challenge hosted by Book'd Out.

I signed up for the Nonfiction Nosher category, aiming to read at least 12 nonfiction books and hitting as many of the 12 categories as I can. Last year, I read 12, in 9 categories.

  1. Wintering by Katherine May
  2. Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks: Civil Rights Heroes by Tracey Baptiste and Shauna J. Grant
  3. Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad 



History - Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks: Civil Rights Heroes by Tracey Baptiste and Shauna J. Grant
True Crime
Health -
Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad
Wintering by Katherine May
Myth, Legend and Folklore
Published in 2025



2025 Diversity Reading Challenge hosted by The Smell of Ink blog.

No sign-ups, categories, or mini challenges for this one--all kinds of diversity count (see the link).

  1. The Briar Club by Kate Quinn
  2. Two Degrees by Alan Gratz
  3. Lunar New Year Love Story by Gene Yuen Lang and LeUyen Pham 
  4. Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks: Civil Rights Heroes by Tracey Baptiste and Shauna J. Grant
  5. Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad


Around the World Reading Challenge hosted by Tanya at Mom's Small Victories (great blog!)

This is a new version to replace her original Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge, which I signed up for back in 2014 and continued every year since! The new challenge has some fun new features (all optional), including a weekly newsletter, a custom reading journal, and a Facebook group. Last year, I read 23 books set outside the U.S., visiting 18 different countries through my reading. This year, I hope to visit some places I have never been before in my books!

  1.  Wintering by Katherine May (UK)
  2. Two Degrees by Alan Gratz (Canada - Manitoba)
  3. Lunar New Year Love Story by Gene Yuen Lang and LeUyen Pham (Italy)
  4. Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad (France)



2025 Literary Escapes Challenge hosted by Escape with Dollycas Into a Good Book.

I love tracking where I read domestically, as well. In 2024, I read books set in 32 different states. I'm looking forward to reading in even more states this year!

Alabama - Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks: Civil Rights Heroes by Tracey Baptiste and Shauna J. Grant




California - Lunar New Year Love Story by Gene Yuen Lang and LeUyen Pham




District of Columbia - The Briar Club by Kate Quinn

Florida - Two Degrees by Alan Gratz







Kansas -





Massachusetts - Writers and Lovers by Lily King

Michigan - 

Minnesota -






New Hampshire

New Jersey -

New Mexico

New York - Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad

North Carolina -

North Dakota


Oklahoma - The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

Oregon -

Pennsylvania -

Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota


Texas -

Utah -

Vermont - The Winter People by Jennifer McMahon


Washington -

West Virginia




SEASONAL READING CHALLENGES, in chronological order:

NOTE: Even though -athon usually refers to a lot of something in a short period of time (telethon, dance-athon, Dewey's 24-Hour Readathon), many Booktubers call their reading challenges Readathons, even when they last for months. This was confusing to me at first, so I thought I'd explain it :) 


Mardi Gras Readathon hosted Kat's Novel Adventures and Laurie of Books, Ink & Paper

I was thrilled to discover this one last year, since I used to live in New Orleans, and we are BIG into celebrating Mardi Gras! In my video for Mardi Gras Readathon last year, I included recommendations of books set in Louisiana (though as you can see on the Bingo card, all kinds of books count for the readathon). In 2025, the readathon runs from February 9 - March 4, and includes reading sprints, a read-along book (Bayou Book Thief by Ellen Byron), a group read live chat, and the bingo card/reading prompts.


Middle-Grade March hosted by Books & Jams, On the Middle Shelf, and Life Between Words.

(will include the 2025 launch when it is available).

Spoonie Readathon hosted by Novelle Novels and Brews & Reviews, in May. 

This one is right up my alley, focused on reading books by or about people with disabilities ("spoonies" in chronic illness parlance!). Last year was my first year participating, and I found out about it a little bit late, but I can't wait to participate this year! I'll post a link when the 2025 challenge is announced.


Big Book Summer Challenge (link to 2024; 2025 link will go up in May) hosted by Book By Book (me!).

My own annual challenge that I host each summer, beginning the Friday of Memorial Day weekend (end of May) and running until Labor Day (first Monday of September). The idea is simply to read bigger books (400 or more pages)--just one or two or however many you want. And you have the whole summer to do it! Plus, you can chat about books in our Goodreads group.

Hope you'll join me for the laid-back fun this summer!


June on the Range hosted by Michel K. Vaughan (and a "posse" of co-hosts).

All about reading westerns in the month of June! I'll share the 2025 video when it is posted. 

R.I.P. Challenge

I participate in this one every fall! It runs through September and October and is all about reading darker stuff in the fall, which I love. That doesn't necessarily mean scary books, like horror (though those certainly count!) but anything darker: mystery, suspense, thriller, paranormal, dystopian, etc.). No sign-ups - it's now hosted through Instagram (at the link).


Nonfiction November (was hosted by Book Olive on YouTube; unsure if someone new will host on YouTube in 2025)

In 2025, A Book Olive will no longer be hosting Nonfiction November, but I will participate if someone else picks it up on Booktube or through the blogging version of the challenge or even on my own! TBA

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