Monday, October 07, 2024

It's Monday 10/7! What Are You Reading?

Hosted by The Book Date



At Home

Last week was another busy one, with lots of medical appointments (highlights: mammogram's all clear, and I might need braces/Invisiline at age 59!). But most of the week was leading up to the big event: my husband's 70th birthday on Friday! I planned a BIG surprise for him, and we somehow managed to keep it a secret (his friends and our son helped). He knew I had something planned, but I think he suspected a party. Friday morning, I revealed what was going on: his best friend from high school was arriving from Texas at our local airport soon, they had a round of golf at a local course booked for that afternoon, and they, plus our son and a local friend, would be leaving Saturday morning for a golf weekend on Maryland's Eastern Shore. I had booked an Airbnb right near the water, plus two gorgeous golf courses (one of them right on the Chesapeake Bay). He was thrilled, and everything went off without a hitch! By all accounts, it sounds like they had a fabulous weekend.


The foursome in Maryland

The Chesapeake Bay, a 1-minute walk from the Airbnb


Back here at home, I took advantage of the brief lull in the chaos to do some deep thinking about what I want out of my life and what I want to do with my career. Between my husband's 70th birthday and the way I've been feeling constantly overwhelmed and stressed lately (even with improved health in the first six months of the year), I knew I had to make some changes, but I wasn't sure what. I brainstormed and made a bunch of lists (the way I think best!), including "What's Working" and "What's Not Working" (the second list was much longer). 

My lightbulb moment was when I realized that my concept of how I wanted to "retire" in 5-10 years--lots of travel, and focusing my writing/career on travel--actually needs to happen now (or soon). So, I'll be making some changes. One of those is with my blogs. I've written these two blogs (the other one on chronic illness) for over 18 years now, and while I love the interaction, I just don't have the time to do what I used to do anymore. I'm spread too thin and trying to do too much. But I'm not going anywhere! Here on the book blog, I'll be focusing just on my Monday posts because I enjoy writing them and really love interacting with all of you. Writing reviews (books, TV, and movies) will take a backseat for now. My Monday posts include mini reviews anyway, and I've noticed other bloggers who just post once a week. Since I haven't had time to write a review in a month anyway, you probably won't notice much difference.

A huge thank you to all of you who read my blog and especially those who take the time to comment. I'm not ready to give it up completely yet because I really enjoy "talking" with all of you about books and hearing about what you're reading. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the changes I'm making or if you have any questions.


On Video

I intend to keep posting videos to my YouTube channel since that activity works quite well with travel. Speaking of travel:

Travel & Camping Vlog: 2 New York State Parks - come along on our recent trip to two new-to-us beautiful state parks in NY state, including camping, hiking, kayaking, and two bookstore visits!

Friday Reads 10-4-24 - my brief weekly update of what I am reading & listening to

September Reading Wrap-Up: my quick recap of the 5 books I read last month



 What We're Reading

 We're enjoying the RIP (Readers Imbibing Peril) season!

I finished reading The Westing Game by Ellen Rankin. My son--the one who does not enjoy reading--was assigned this book in middle school and loved it. He told me I should read it, too, and here I am, only 13 years later, finally reading it! This modern classic middle-grade mystery features a mysterious will, a possible murder, a group of 16 seemingly random potential heirs, and a puzzling contest to see who will inherit. I enjoyed it and can see why my son liked it. Besides R.I.P., this book also qualified for Shortie September.


Now I am reading Chances Are ... by Richard Russo. For Christmas last year, I gave my family a list of authors I've never read and requested any books from them, and my older son picked this one out for me because it has a mystery at its center. Three men--Lincoln, Teddy, and Mickey--were roommates and best friends in college in Connecticut. When they graduated in 1971, they each went their separate ways to very different lives. Now, at age 66, they've reunited at the same Martha's Vineyard cottage where they spent Memorial Day weekend together after graduation, along with a girl named Jacy who was a close friend of theirs. After that weekend, Jacy disappeared and was never heard from again, not even by her parents. Now, back on the island, the events of that long-ago weekend haunt them, as they each remember what happened and puzzle over the mystery of Jacy's disappearance. I'm enjoying it very much and can see that Russo is excellent at developing interesting characters.


I started--and finished--an audio book, If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay. I've been hearing great things about Finlay for the last few years, so I wanted to try this new novel that came out in May. In Leavenworth, Kansas, Ryan and Ali are prom king and queen and are in love, after being together for four years. Parked out on the local "lover's lane" on a rainy night, their romantic evening is interrupted when a man opens the car door and grabs Ali. Knocked on the head, Ryan doesn't see what happens next, but Ali was never found. Now, five years later, Ryan has never recovered from the trauma of that night when he hears that police have found new evidence in Ali's case. It's a twisty, suspenseful ride, and I really enjoyed how the story came together through multiple narrators.


My husband finished reading one of the books he picked up in a used bookstore in NY, Split Images by Elmore Leonard, a classic mystery/thriller. This one is from 1981, and he enjoyed it. I've forgotten what he picked for his next book, but I guarantee he didn't have time to read this weekend!


What Are You Reading Monday is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date, so head over and check out her blog and join the Monday fun! You can also participate in a kid/teen/YA version hosted by Unleashing Readers.

You can follow me on Twitter at @SueBookByBook or on Facebook on my blog's page.


What are you and your family reading this week?


  1. It is good to reassess every once in a while. I've been blogging and reviewing for quite a while too. Your husband's birthday surprise sounds wonderful. I enjoyed If Something Happens to me too. While The Westing Game sounds familiar, I'm not sure that I ever read it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks, Kathy. Yes, I was overdo to take a fresh look at things!

  2. Oh gosh, so much to comment on. The surprise for your husband sounds like it was a huge success; what a great planner you are!

    You and I are the same age and I've been having some of the same thought. My plan is to work 3 more years until I can draw on my teacher retirement. But, that feels like a long time away. 2 or 3 days a week at work I think, "if I was retired, what would I do today?" And I am never short of ideas.

    You made me nervous when you started talking about blogging; I was afraid you were quitting. Phew! Glad to hear you are just cutting back, which I totally understand.

    1. Thanks for your kindness and support, Helen! Yes, I think my husband's 70th birthday knocked some sense into me - ha ha. In fact, we decided on a last-minute quick 2-day camping trip in the midst of this crazy month, so I won't be posting this Monday, but no worries - I'll be back!

  3. Hi Sue, as I read about this fabulous gift you organized for your husband, I couldn't help but think it was also a gift to yourself!
    It looks to me that given all your hopes, cutting yourself some slack and taking on less is a great idea. As someone who is now 71, I think you two should get in as much travel now as you can. I have many friends who seem to start going downhill as they near 80.

    1. ha ha, yes, Cheriee, that is true it was also a gift to myself! Thanks for the encouragement - we're looking forward to more travel next year and are still squeezing in a couple more short camping trips this year :)

  4. Oh Sue what a perfect time you arranged for your husband's birthday. It sounds just amazing. Great it gave you time to think through things and how you want to live your life going forward so that it makes you the happiest with it. I loved your video of recent camping and travel and those book shops. I am not a travel person but I did feel somewhat envious of that trip you took. I am 75 and I feel a lot less energy than I once had so go for it now.

    1. Thanks for your support & encouragement, Kathryn! We do both love to travel and explore new places. I;m so glad you enjoyed the travel vlog - I enjoy making those!

  5. Your husband is a lucky man! It sounds like there are exciting changes coming your way. Chances Are and If Something Happens To Me both sound like great reads!

    1. Thanks, Olivia! I enjoyed both of those books very much.

  6. I'm so thrilled to see you're prioritizing yourself.

  7. I enjoy your blog and am happy to hear you will be continuing the Monday posts. I totally understand how easy it is to get overwhelmed by all the stuff you think you should do but don't necessarily want to anymore. Good for you in taking a step back and figuring out how you want to use your time and energy.

    I love Richard Russo but haven't read Chances Are yet. Maybe later this fall or winter. His writing is so easy to read, his characters/plots are always interesting and thought-provoking, and they are long enough to really get lost in.

    1. Thanks, Jane - I enjoy these interactions too much to give it up - even though, I am often late (as I am now in replying!). I really enjoyed Chances Are ... some surprises in the plot, and as you said, thought-provoking. I'm looking forward to reading more Russo.
