Saturday, February 17, 2018

Saturday Snapshot: Winter Skies

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda at West Metro Mommy Reads.

There are a million other things I should be doing on this busy Saturday, but I really enjoy participating in Saturday Snapshot!

Here are a few photos from the past couple of months of various winter skies. We've had a lot of overcast days, but when the sky is blue and there are interesting-looking clouds out, I get out my camera. Always remember to look up!

I liked these little cottonball clouds!

Sunlight, clouds, and treetops

Winter branches & sky

More cottonball clouds

But this is how the sky has looked for most of the winter!

I was so happy to see blue sky again this week, I grabbed my camera!

Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend!


  1. I love to take photos of clouds, too. Yours are beautiful. We've had lots of rain lately, so a day with blue skies is a gift. Enjoy!
    My Saturday Snapshot post: ”Not Just Trees and Rivers.”

    1. Thanks, Sandra! Another overcast week coming up, so I will just gaze at these photos! Going to check out your pics now...

  2. I love it when it looks like the clouds have been blown out of a tube as in your top photos.

    1. Me, too, Helen! Happy little clouds :)

  3. Some beautiful skies. I am a bit obsessed with photographing the sky, but I never seem up early enough to get the sunrise.

    1. ha ha - me, either, Ginx! Even in winter :) Lots of sunset pics - very few of sunrise!

  4. Thanks, Vicki - I'll be needing to gaze at these photos this week when the clouds roll in again!

  5. Very pretty. I can't wait for sunny summer skies.

    1. Me, too, Carol! We have a glimpse this week (over 70 degrees F yesterday & today), but we still have some winter left here.

  6. The skies are beautiful! Thanks for sharing...and for reminding us of the beauty around us.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. The beauty is there - even in winter!
