Saturday, March 08, 2014

Snapshot Saturday 3/8

Snapshot Saturday is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.

The Never-Ending Winter:

I took these first two photos about two weeks ago, when it had finally warmed up above freezing and some of the snow in our neighborhood was beginning to melt, but even on a sunny day in the 40's, we still had plenty of snow in our yard, as you see here:

Snow still lingers in our yard, as the sunnier areas melt.

Still plenty of snow in the back!

Then, we got another big snowstorm this past Monday and were back to where we started from. It is supposed to go up above 50 today, which sounds like a miracle! Maybe some of this snow will melt again and this never-ending winter will finally come to a close.

As a parting shot, here is a pretty winter sunset, taken about a month ago, in between snowstorms:

Winter Sunset from our back deck

Hopefully, this will be the last of the snow photos for this year!

Hope you are having a wonderful - and warm - weekend!


  1. Sounds like the front of our house when it snows. It only gets a hour or two of direct sunlight a day so it takes forever to melt.

  2. Beautiful sunset and a lovely view through the trees. I imagine everyone who has been inundated with snow is ready for winter to be over. Enjoy your "warm" weather today!

  3. Warm here in NE Wyoming! Finally!!

  4. Warm here in NE Wyoming! Finally! Yesterday morning there was fog and freezing rain, my husband fell in the driveway as he went to walk the dog. Yes, not good for an almost 70 yr old tall skinny guy! Nothing broken Thank you God.

  5. Those are good Sue --personally, I am so ready for spring.

  6. We are supposed to hit 48 on Monday! Then back in the high 20's two days later. Our snow piles will take a bit longer to melt.

  7. Come on Spring! The silver lining for all this snow is the light and the gorgeous scenery when a pristine snowfall 'cleans things up' ... here comes mud season! Enjoy your thaw!

  8. I hope the spring comes for you soon, it certainly is due.
