Thursday, August 29, 2013

Book Adaptations On TV

We all know about the huge trend of making popular books into blockbuster movies which has exploded in the past few years, following the big successes of the Harry Potter movies and The Hunger Games adaptation. It seems like half of the movies being released these days are derived from books, which is fine with me.

Now Hollywood is cashing on on that trend for the small screen, with 10 new shows this fall based on books, both new and classic. As an avid reader, I'm excited to hear this! Of course, the adaptations have to be done well, but I think starting with a great book provides a greater chance of ending up with a great TV show.

There are quite a few vampire adaptations here, which don't't really interest me much. Some of the others sound really intriguing, though. Interestingly, I haven't read any of the books these shows are based on, but maybe seeing a decent TV show will lead me to discovering some new reads!

The shows I'm looking forward to on this list include:
  • Sleepy Hollow (I'm a sucker for time travel plots!)
  • The 100
  • Resurrection
  • Surviving Jack
  • About a Boy (loved the movie)
I know my sons will be excited about Crossbones.

Which of the shows on this list are you interested in watching? Have you read any of the books they are based on? I'm always open to suggestions!


  1. Enjoyed your vacation photos. We are headed to a 6 day camping trip right after Labor Day. I have a question? How do you get the captions to print with your photos. I have been blogging for awhile, but still need to learn so much more. Thanks.

  2. Hi, Gramma Judy B -

    Don't feel bad - I still know very little about blogging and I have been doing it for 8 years!

    I do know about photo captions, though. After you've added photo(s) to your post and while you are still in edit mode, just click on a photo and you will see a bunch of options for changing its size, adding a caption, editing it, or deleting it. At least that's how it works in Blogger - probably different in different blog editors.

    good luck! Thanks for stopping by -

