
Friday, July 10, 2020

Books Read in June

Tall trees & summer greenery
So, now it's July, which means the year is half-over. Wait...what??? That seems crazy, especially this year when time has lost all meaning! But, it's true, which means it's time for my June reading summary. Here's what I finished reading last month:

So, I finished just five books in June, but four of them were Big Books (more than 400 pages), so that's pretty typical for my summer reading. It was an all-fiction and all-adult month--no middle-grade or YA books at all. I listened to one on audio (my listening time has really been greatly reduced with everyone home) and read the others in print. Several of these were marked in my reading journal as "Loved it!" but I would say that Faithful Place was my favorite of the month; I was completely immersed in the story.

Progress in 2020 Reading Challenges:
You can see all of the reading challenges I am participating in and full lists of the books read for each at the challenges link. I have some fun ones going this year! Here's how June stacked up:

Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2020 - I read 3 books from my own shelves last month. The pandemic has been great for reducing my TBR shelves!  
2020 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge - June was Name or Number (in the title), and I read one of each: Vera Kelly Is Not a Mystery by Rosalie Knecht AND Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Back to the Classics 2020 - I read another classic, bringing my grand total for 2020 to ... three! I read Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, which fit perfectly into the category "Abandoned Classic," since I started it last summer.
PopSugar Reading Challenge - this is a unique one! I couldn;t fit any of my five books into my remaining categories--it's getting more challenging with fewer categories left but still a lot of fun.
2020 Nonfiction Reader's Challenge - No nonfiction in June.
2020 Diversity Reading Challenge - Only one of my five was a diverse read--Vera Kelly Is Not a Mystery by Rosalie Knecht--but it fit perfectly into the month's category of LGBT+.
Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge - I read in four more countries last month: Ireland, Australia, Dominican Republic, and Italy.
2020 Literary Escapes Challenge - I added no new states last month.
2020 Big Book Summer Challenge - I kicked off my own annual challenge in style, with 4 Big Books last month!
And finally, Bookish Bingo hosted by Chapter Break - not really a challenge per se, but a fun game that I play each month! Stop by to print out this month's Bingo card and play along. In June, I filled 19 spaces on my bingo card, which is great for only five books:

Spaces Filled:
Faithful Place - memory, father, coming of age
A Beginning at the End - free book, audio book, highly anticipated read, landscape on cover
Truly Madly Guilty - shelf love, not in a series
Vera Kelly Is Not a Mystery - read an e-book, travel, book club book, detective, in a series, missing person
Catch-22 - anti-hero, read a physical book, outdoor activity
Free Space

What was your favorite book read in June?


  1. You are doing really well on your challenges through this pandemic! I always found it difficult to do the keyword or theme challenges.

    1. Thanks, Helen! I massively failed the Keyword Challenge last year but usually manage the Monthly Theme one pretty well (purely by chance since I read a wide variety!)

  2. Great job with challenges. I used to join lots but, I only tend to do my own personal summer reading one and the fall RIP one.

    1. Oooh, I love the RIP challenge every fall, too, Diane!
