
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Books Read in November

So much for my plan not to get so far behind again! Between holiday prep, lots of travel to see family, and a stomach virus that went through the whole family, my blogging time has been very limited! Maybe I'll stay on top of things in 2016...

So, here, finally, is my summary of the books I finished in November:

I finished 5 books last month, all fiction, with 2 teen/YA books and 3 grown-up novels. One was an audio. Best book of the month? Tough one - I enjoyed all of these. I guess I would pick Challenger Deep not only because I enjoyed it but because it was so deeply moving and unique. Apparently, the National Book Award agreed with me because it won in the teen/YA category last month!

Update on 2015 Reading Challenges:
For my 2015 Where Are You Reading Challenge, I added just one new state, Maryland - it gets tough at the end of the year! I read just 1 more book from my own shelves for my Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2015. I listened to one more audio books for my 2015 Audio Book Challenge. Nothing new for my 2015 Nonfiction Reading Challenge, my Back to the Classics Challenge, or my Travel the World in Books Challenge.

What was your favorite book(s) read in November? 


  1. Thank you for posting. Will order these from library. I easily read at a minimum,10 books per week. All are free from library, family or kindle free download. How do you keep track? I need a system.

  2. Looks like you got a lot of great books last month. I didn't really read as much in November, but December is looking a lot better.
