
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Saturday Snapshot 12/19

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads. 

Sorry I haven;t been around much on the blog lately. Between  holiday preparations, traveling to see family, and a stomach virus that struck 12 of my 13 family members this week, I haven't had much time or energy for blogging! Everyone seems to be back to normal - now I just need to catch up!

So, I just a few quick photos before I get started (yes, just getting started) on my Christmas cards!

I took a walk at our local nature center on December 10th...and it felt like spring! We are enjoying unseasonably warm temperatures here:

Light and shadows on the trail

Trees reflected in the creek

Close-up on the boardwalk marsh trail

Covered bridge over the creek

A rare top-down day in December!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend and the holiday season!


  1. What interesting things you can find on your walk! Thanks for sharing. Here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  2. Looks like a great day for a walk, and drive, in the country.

  3. I love winter walks! I hope everyone is feeling better.

  4. That looks so peaceful!

  5. Hope your weather remains mild....though I suppose snow is inevitable. Great photos...especially the one with the top down!

  6. Oh man, I'm so jealous of your weather. It has rained for 21 days straight here!
