
Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Books Read in August

August: Butterfly on summer flowers
It looks like I didn't read much in August because I was mostly tied up with two VERY Big Books for my #BigBookSummer Challenge that I finished in September. But, here are the books I did finish in August:

Not a whole lot of variety in August! I read all fiction and all grown-up novels, no YA or middle-grade. But I did listen to two novels on audio, and one in print (plus another that took over a month to read!). I enjoyed all three of these novels and thought they were all good, but I think The Dutch House was my favorite, in large part due to Ton Hanks' immersive performance reading on the audio, and Patchett's usual deep dive into characters' lives (in this case, a brother and sister).

Progress in 2020 Reading Challenges:
You can see all of the reading challenges I am participating in and full lists of the books read for each at the challenges link. I have some fun ones going this year! With only three books finished in August, I didn't make much progress on my challenges:

Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2020 - I read just one book from my own shelves last month.

2020 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge - August was Creature Feature, and with three novels of realistic fiction, there was not even a dog or cat in any of my books! 100% human.

Back to the Classics 2020 - No classics last month (but I just finished a whopper!)

PopSugar Reading Challenge - this is a unique one! Nothing new to add this month, but I only have a few categories left to fill, so that's understandable.

2020 Nonfiction Reader's Challenge - No nonfiction in July.

2020 Diversity Reading Challenge - Just one of my books was diverse last month: American Dirt.

Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge - I added Ireland (a duplicate) and Mexico.

2020 Literary Escapes Challenge - No new states in August.

2020 Big Book Summer Challenge - I added one more Big Book in August, for a total of eight so far.
And finally, Bookish Bingo hosted by Chapter Break - not really a challenge per se, but a fun game that I play each month! Stop by to print out this month's Bingo card and play along. In August, I filled 15 spaces on my bingo card--not bad for just three books:

Spaces Filled:
The Dutch House - book club read, siblings, favorite author, loyalty
Normal People - new adult, read a physical book, first love, self-discovery, shelf love
American Dirt - not in a series, free book, audio book, over 400 pages long, tragedy
Free Space

What was your favorite book read in August?


  1. Wow. What a month of reading. I still need to do my BIG BOOK Summer Challenge finale post. Thanks for hosting.

    1. Me, too, Anne! Working on my wrap-up post today :)

  2. I liked Normal People - not sure I loved it and I still haven't watched the tv series although I plan to. American Dirt is also on my reading list since there's so much buzz. Have a great week!

    1. It's a petty dark book, and it's sometimes frustrating that these two people keep sabotaging their relationship and won't just say what they mean! ha ha But I did really get immersed in the story and the characters and was rooting for them. I'm watching the show now - it;s very good and so far, quite true to the book. Good casting.

  3. Good group of books! I have had fun doing the Popsugar challenge as the topics are so random.

    1. Yes, that's what I like about it, too!
