
Monday, November 02, 2015

It's Monday 11/2! What Are You Reading?

November?? How can that possibly be? October went by in a flash - I am very sad to see my favorite month behind us. This weekend, we saw bare tree branches at our local Nature Center that had been full of color a week ago (though our neighborhood is still colorful), and the time change this weekend meant it was dark by dinnertime last night. I want fall to last forever!

We had a very busy weekend, with Halloween and our usual family gathering for dinner on Sunday. Our sons are 17 and 21 now, so no more trick-or-treating (we used to all dress us as a family! Check out the photos on Saturday Snapshot), but they both dressed up on Saturday for their own parties (one of which was here) and got into the spirit. Lots of fun, but I am pretty exhausted today! Time to take down the pumpkins, skeletons, and spiders and put up the Indian corn, gourds, and turkeys.

As always, we enjoyed our books last week:
  • I am currently reading Song Yet Sung by James McBride for one of my book groups this week. I was disappointed to have to give up my spooky October reading before the end of the month for historical fiction, but the novel does have a supernatural element. It's the story of a runaway slave, set in 1850 on Maryland's Eastern Shore (our region), who has visions where she sees glimpses of the future. It's excellent so far - I just need to find more time for reading!
  • I am still listening to the spooky classic Dracula by Bram Stoker, a free download from SYNC this summer. It's been wonderful and perfect for the spooky season! I am almost finished.
  • My husband, Ken finished Make Me, the latest Lee Child novel that I gave him for his birthday. It was a quick read, but he enjoyed it - he loves the Jack Reacher series.
  • After that quick book, Ken has changed gears and started reading A Dance with Dragons, Book 5 in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Fire and Ice series and 1150 pages! He and our son LOVE these books.
  • Jamie, 21, is reading The Bone Palace by Amanda Downum, Book 2 in The Necromancer Chronicles series, but I don't think he had much time for reading last week, between school and Halloween preparations.
I am still way behind on my reviews - just finished reviewing books I read in September and haven't even started on October yet! - but I managed a few blog posts last week:
Movie Monday: Take Me Home, starring Sam Jaeger (who played Joel on Parenthood)

TV Tuesday: Quantico, a new thriller we are loving!

Top Ten Books for Spooky October Reading

Teen/YA Book Review: All Fall Down by Ally Carter, a suspenseful thriller in a unique setting

Saturday Snapshot - highlights from our family Halloweens past

What are you and your family reading this week?    

What Are You Reading Monday is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date, so head over and check out her blog and join the Monday fun! You can also participate in a kid/teen version hosted by Unleashing Readers

Our older son as Hades from Disney's Hercules
Our younger son & his girlfriend: Tinkerbell & Peter Pan


  1. The size of Martin's books have made me reluctant to start that series. I have the first couple on my TBR mountain. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. ha ha - I hear you, Kathy! I haven't tried them either, but my son can easily devour one in a week during the summer!

  2. Very cute how your sons dressed up for Halloween. Your current read sounds intriguing and full of rich history.

    1. It's a fascinating book, Stefanie - a unique point of view.

  3. This reviewing has me befuddled. Do you keep a notebook or notes. How can you remember the details of what you read in September? I guess I am a better reader that writer, because reviewing is hard for me.

    1. Well, it was only a month ago, Judy, and I only read about 5-8 books a month. I guess I just have a good memory - thankfully, since I'm always behind! I do keep a book journal, but that is just title, author, date, location, and a few thoughts.

  4. So many celebrations is such a short time, I love how in your part of the world you go from one to another with such energy. I've heard of many fans of Jack Reacher but never read them myself.

  5. I love the costumes!! Fun! Song Yet Sung sounds very interesting. Enjoy your week!

  6. Hmm...keeping a book journal sounds like a good idea, actually! So many books come across my desk and end up back out on the shelves, and I sometimes find myself wracking my brain to remember what I've read. I might give that a try! :)

  7. Ally Carter is popular in our library, though I have only read one of her titles. This one, All Fall Down, might have to be my next.

  8. Love the costumes! Also loved looking back at your family costumes! How much fun :)

    Happy November, and happy reading!

  9. Great costumes!!

    Looks like you had a good reading week.

    Hope this one is good for reading.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading
