
Thursday, February 12, 2015

My 2015 Reading Challenges

Huh? It's mid-February already? How'd that happen?

Yes, I am running behind as usual, but you know my motto - Better Late Than Never!

So, here I am, finally signing up for my 2015 Reading Challenges. I am mostly signing up for the same ones (or similar ones) as I did in 2014 because they focus on the reading goals I most enjoy - chipping away at my ever-growing TBR pile (it's not a pile; it's an entire TBR bookcase at my house!), listening to audiobooks, fitting in a bit of nonfiction (especially memoirs), traveling the US and the world through my reading, and getting to some of those classics I've been meaning to read for ages. You can read my 2014 Reading Challenges Wrap-up. So, without further ado, here are my official Reading Challenge sign-ups for 2015:

The Where Are You Reading Challenge 2015 hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

I've participated in this challenge for many years now (4? 5?) and always enjoy tracking where my reading takes me. For the past 3 years straight I have read books that took place in 27 different states, so I hope to get past that milestone this year. Last year, I also read books that took place in 9 different countries.

2015 Mount TBR Challenge hosted by My Reader's Block.

I thought the name of this one was VERY appropriate for me, given how many books I have sitting in my house waiting to be read (while I continue getting books out of the library!). I only read 13 TBR books last year (ouch), half of the 26 I read the year before, so I hope to get back on track in 2015 and clear off those shelves! (or at least make a dent in them). So, I am signing up for the Mount Blanc level, shooting for 24 TBR books this year - wish me luck!

2015 Audiobook Challenge hosted by The Book Nympho and Hot Listens.
This is my second year participating in this challenge. I listened to a whopping 26 audiobooks last year, and blew my goals out of the water, so I am signing up for Binge Listener level, 20-30 audiobooks. I can listen to a lot more of them now that digital downloads are so common (and I upgraded my ancient car stereo with an iPod dock) - I pretty much always have one going on my iPod and listen while I drive, cook, do dishes, etc.

2015 Nonfiction Reading Challenge hosted by The Introverted Reader.
This is my second year participating in this challenge. I especially enjoy memoirs. Last year I read 8 nonfiction books. This year, I am signing up for the same level, Explorer, aiming for 6 - 10 nonfiction books.

Back to the Classics Challenge 2015 hosted by Books and Chocolate.
This is a different classics challenge than the one I joined last year (that one was already closed to sign-ups). This one is a bit more restrictive, counting books as classics only if published before 1965 (appropriately, my birth year), but I will give it a try. I read just 4 classics last year, so I will shoot for 6 this year. This challenge has 12 categories to aim to read from:

1.  A 19th Century Classic -- any book published between 1800 and 1899.

2.  A 20th Century Classic -- any book published between 1900 and 1965. 

3.  A Classic by a Woman Author.

4.  A Classic in Translation. any classic book originally written or a published in a language that is not your first language.

5.  A Very Long Classic Novel -- a single work of 500 pages or longer, regular-sized print. 

6.  A Classic Novella -- any work shorter than 250 pages.  For a list of suggestions, check out this list of World's Greatest Novellas from Goodreads.

7.  A Classic with a Person's Name in the Title.  First name, last name, or both, it doesn't matter, but it must have the name of a character.   
8.  A Humorous or Satirical Classic.  Humor is very subjective, so this one is open to interpretation.

9.  A Forgotten Classic.  This could be a lesser-known work by a famous author, or a classic that nobody reads any more. 

10.  A Nonfiction Classic.  A memoir, biography, essays, travel, this can be any nonfiction work that's considered a classic, or a nonfiction work by a classic author. 

11.  A Classic Children's Book.  Pick a children's classic that you never got around to reading.  

12.  A Classic Play.  Your choice, any classic play, as long as it was published or performed before 1965.  Plays are only eligible for this specific category.

Travel the World in Books Challenge, hosted by Mom's Small Victories
Back in September 2014, I added this new challenge which runs through December 2015. My goal is to read 10 books set in other places/cultures, and I have already read 5 at the end of 2014.

 So, those are my 2015 Reading Challenges! Which ones did you sign up for? 

You can follow my progress this year on my 2015 Reading Challenges page.

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