
Tuesday, September 02, 2014

2014 Big Book Summer Challenge Wrap-Up

Yesterday was Labor Day here in the U.S., the unofficial end of summer...and the official end of my 2014 Big Book Summer Challenge!

At the start of the summer, I set out a plan to read 6 Big Books (i.e. over 400 pages) this summer - you can check out my proposed list here.

As of bedtime last night, I read the last page of my 5th Big Book for the summer! I had to make some changes to my plans when I discovered that one of my book groups chose The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt to discuss on September 4. So, I subbed that for my last two (since it is almost 800 pages!). It was a good swap - I loved The Goldfinch, and now I am all ready for our discussion on Thursday.

So, here are the 5 Big Books I read this summer:
  • Emma by Jane Austen, 487 pages (I have never read a Jane Austen!)
  • The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer, 538 pages
  • Good Fortune by Noni Carter, 482 pages
  • Unsouled by Neal Schusterman, 404 pages
  • The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, 771 pages
I enjoyed all of these! I haven't written reviews yet of The Interestings or The Goldfinch because I like to wait until after book discussions, so I can include broader perspectives besides my own opinion. So, look for those two next week.

Did you read any Big Books this summer?

If you signed up for the Big Book Summer Challenge, be sure to stop by the challenge page and leave links to your big book reviews and/or your wrap-up post (though a wrap-up isn't required). Hope you had fun reading your big books this summer - I did!


  1. Great job! I read a couple Harry Potters and I think one more wasjust at 400 pages. I couldn't get through Emma. Thanks for hosting this challenge! We are hosting a Travel the World in Books Readathon till the 14th. So hope you stop by and sign up. We are giving away 17 titles from around the world!

  2. Thanks for hosting! I got through four this summer, one more than last year! Maybe I'll make it through five next summer! :-)

  3. You read quite a few! I think I managed a couple this summer. I like the Goldfinch too. I'll be looking for your review of the Interestings. I've been looking at that one.

  4. The Goldfinch was definitely one of my greatest adult reads this year. Worth the four months it took me to finish it. :)
