
Saturday, September 08, 2012

Big Book Summer Challenge Wrap-Up

Well, Labor Day has passed and summer is officially over (as far as schools are concerned anyway, even though it's not officially fall yet), so I guess it is time to wrap-up my first-ever challenge, the Big Book Summer Challenge.  I enjoyed it, and I hope all the other participants did, too!  If you click on that link to the original challenge page, you can also see lots of links to reviews of Big Books posted by participants.

Back in May, I posted my own selection of 5 big books I hoped to read during My Big Book Summer:

I got through 4 of the 5 books - everything except Freedom by Jonathan Franzen, which will have to wait until I have another big chunk of reading time.  This summer I read and reviewed these big books:
 Although this is the first time I've hosted a challenge, it is the second summer that I committed to myself to read some big books during my book groups' summer breaks.  I really enjoy doing this.  It gives me a chance to read some of the giant novels that have been sitting on my shelf for a while.  The rest of the year, with two different book groups, an occasional third book group at my library, and reviewing obligations, I find it hard to squeeze in a book that might take me two or three weeks  to finish.

So, that was MY Big Book was yours?  Add your link below for your own Big Book Summer Wrap-Up, and thanks for playing along!


  1. Summer tends to be the time of the year when I begin to run out of books on my shelf so I often end up in really dense novels during July and August. This year I read three books over 800 pages (one of which was over 1000), but that had (as always) more to do with availability than anything else. Alas, my bookshelf has been replenished for the time being.

  2. read and reviewed? hats off to you

    Thanks for stopping by :-)

  3. Run out of books on your shelf??? Wow, Ryan, that is amazing! My shelves are always overflowing with books I want to read - I can never seem to catch up!

    Glad to hear you enjoyed some big books this summer, too.


  4. You did really good, Sue. I posted my link above. I got a new design on my blog and changed the name when I did so it's not the same name I signed up with. Now, I'm going to go find your reviews for Outlander and 11/22/63 and find out what you thought about those.
