
Monday, July 18, 2011

It's Monday 7/18! What Are You Reading?

July 18...summer is already half over!  We had a very busy week here, filled with doctor's appointments, errands, and running the kids all over.  Whatever happened to the lazy days of summer?

We did find some time for reading, however, especially this weekend:
  • I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (my second time) in preparation for the last movie which we went to see on Sunday.  Both the book and movie were fabulous!  I was glad I had re-read the book because there were a lot of details left out or changed in the movie, and I was reminded of just how wonderful J.K. Rowlings' books are - by this weekend, I was at the point where I didn't want to do anything but read, and I didn't care what was left undone!  I've included a few photos here of Jamie's 8th birthday when we put together a big Harry Potter party and transformed our entire house into Hogwarts.  We recruited some friends to help play the roles of the professors (you can see everyone at the table in the Great Hall below; I was Professor McGonagall, on the right in the photo with Dumbledore and Snape).  The kids all had a blast, as did the adults!
  • Last night, I just started The Passage by Justin Cronin, a July birthday gift from my husband LAST summer that I have finally gotten around to reading.  I've just started it, but it seems intriguing so far.
  • My husband, Ken, is reading Room by Emma Donoghue, based on my recommendation.
  • Jamie, 16, is re-reading City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare, and he told me this morning which five books are next on his list!  He has it all planned out.
I finally started to catch up on my backlog of reviews last week, posting new reviews of Blood, Bones and Butter, a memoir by chef Gabrielle Hamilton, and  Deadly, a teen historical novel by Julie Chibarro.  I also posted my Top Ten Lists of Authors I'd Like to Meet and Kids'/Teen Authors I'd Like to Meet.

What are you and your family reading this week?

(What are you reading Monday is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.)


  1. Fun pictures! I can't wait to hear what you have to say about The Passage. A friend recommended that to me quite a while ago and I haven't gotten around to reading it yet either.

  2. It sounds as though you had a busy and yet very fun week. I like the pictures. Enjoy this week and your books.
    My Monday:

  3. I finished listening to Room last week. I liked it a lot.

    Girl Who Reads

  4. I need to look at your review of Blood, Bones, and Butter... is that a food memoir? I seem to have a liking to them :)

  5. I just started ROOM. I've read so much good about it. You do like the BIG books, don't you? Have you read Gone With the Wind? It's another biggie!

    Come by for a visit when you have a moment My Bookshelf.

  6. The Map of Time by Felix J. Palma
