
Saturday, January 09, 2010

Quote It Saturday 1/9

It's been a few weeks since I've been able to participate in Quote It Saturday because of the holidays, so I'm glad to be coming back to my favorite weekly feature, where I share a quote from a book. Thanks to That Chick That Reads for starting Quote It Saturday!

Today's quote is a partial excerpt from one of my favorite books of 2009, The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder by Rebecca Wells. I wrote a review of the audio book this week, but there were so many quotes that I loved and couldn't fit into the review!

Here's one of my favorites, a list that Calla Lily's mother, M'Dear, wrote that hung on the refrigerator of their home in the little town of La Luna, Louisiana. In the book, La Luna is both the name of the town and the name of the river, and Calla's mother also refers to La Luna, the Moon Lady, who watches over her. I've abridged this list a bit so as to not give away any spoilers:

The Rules of Life According to M'Dear:
  • Sleep with the windows open (window screens are fine, when necessary).
  • Whistle in the dark. Calla Lily, your attempt at whistling is good enough.
  • Good enough is good enough. Perfect will make you a big fat mess every time.
  • Sing anytime you feel like it, and even more when you don't feel like it. Sonny Boy, this does not mean in math class, although you have my permission to sing in all other classes. Will, all your silent singing is good, and also try to sing out loud at least once a day.
  • Let love slip underneath closed doors, through tiny cracks in the walls, through your pores.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: KEEP ON DANCING. Dance while you're brushing your teeth, dance while the sun shines, dance under the moon...Remember, La Luna waits for us to dance in her light, so dance in the streets. When life is happy, dance in the kitchen, and when life is roughest, dance in the kitchen...
- The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder by Rebecca Wells

Lots of good advice, don't you think? I especially like "Perfect will make you a big, fat mess every time."

Hope you're enjoying a nice weekend and staying warm!

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