
Monday, January 11, 2010

It’s Monday 1/11! What Are You Reading?

Still busy, busy, busy! My Dad and his wife are visiting, my son’s 12th birthday is Wednesday, then my mom and her husband arrive on Friday. Fortunately, I still have books to provide a little downtime:

  • I finished Time of My Life by Allison Winn Scotch, an enjoyable novel about an unhappy mom who suddenly finds herself seven years in her past with the chance to make different choices. Review to come soon.
  • I’m now reading an excellent middle-grade novel, I Wanna Be Your Shoebox, by Cristina Garcia, about a thirteen year-old girl who is part Japanese, part Cuban, and part Russian Jew. It’s very well-written .
  • I’m almost finished with the audio book, The Christmas List by Richard Paul Evans. I don’t normally read or listen to holiday-themed books, but this one turned out to be pretty good – sort of a modern variation on the Scrooge story.

If you’re interested in kids’ books, check out what the rest of my family is reading at Great Books for Kids and Teens.

I’m making progress on my backlog of reviews. I posted two here last week, both books that I loved: The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder and Gumbo Tales: Finding My Place at the New Orleans Table. I also posted a kids’ audio review at Great Books for Kids and Teens of Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman.

So, what are YOU reading this week?

What are you reading Mondays is sponsored by J. Kaye's Book Blog.


  1. You got to Time of my LIfe before me! It's on my read soon list. I have The Christmas List on my ipod but will wait for next holiday season to listen - just ran out of time before the holiday.
    Have a great week, Sue!

  2. I'm looking forward to your review of Time of My Life. It sounds interesting.

  3. I ordered used copies of Time of My Life and another book you'd mentioned on your blog. You are such a bad influence! :-D

  4. That was a fun book Sue; pretty cover too. enjoy

  5. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Time of My life. My Monday:

  6. You've got some interesting titles on there. I don't usually listen to audio books (unless on a long car trip). I'm always interested in how people make time for it.

  7. I liked "Time of My Life." Your others sound good, too.

    My post:

  8. Kristen -

    I always used to wonder that, too! Now, I listen to audio books in the kitchen, while I'm making and eating my lunch and sometimes while I'm cooking dinner. It takes me awhile to get through them, but I've enjoyed some good audio books this way!


  9. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Oh yes...the dreaded back-log of books to review. Mine is hitting a scary number. I'll start on those tomorrow.

    Have fun reading this week!

  10. Great list, I read The Christmas List too. It was good. Have a great week. Like your top ten too.
