
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

2022 Reading Challenges

Better late than never, right? Hey, it's still January! Time to pick out my reading challenges for the year! All of these this year are my favorites from years' past. I'm signing up for:

Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2022 hosted by My Reader's Block

I am once again setting my goal at Mt. Ararat, at 48 books from my TBR shelves. I missed it last year, with just 38 books from my shelves, but I want to challenge myself because my shelves are overflowing! Note that the challenge allows e-books and audios to count, but my main goal is to get through some of the physical books I own (my TBR bookcase now has double rows), so I only count physical books. This challenge has monthly review link-ups.


2022 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge hosted by Girlxoxo.

I enjoy this challenge every year! I hit all of twelve of the month monthly motifs last year, so I will try to hit them all again in 2022! This also has monthly review link-ups. 2022 Monthly Motifs:

JANUARY-  New To You. Celebrate the New Year with something new to you- a new genre, a new author, a new book series, a new book purchase, etc.

FEBRUARY- Girl Power. Highlighting Women! Female Authors, Fierce female characters, feminism, female body positivity, females in science/government, etc.

MARCH- Buzzed About Books. Read a book you saw buzzed about a lot in 2021 but haven’t gotten around to reading it yet.

APRIL- Books to Screen. Read a book that has a movie or TV adaptation made based on it. For an extra challenge, watch the show after reading the book.

MAY- Book Lovers Unite. Read a book set in a library or bookstore; with a librarian, author, or book loving character; OR a book with the word ‘BOOK’ in the title.

JUNE- Supporting PRIDE through books. Read a book by an author who is a member of the LGBTQIA+ community or a book featuring LGBTQIA+ character(s).

JULY- Summer Lovin’ – Having a Blast. This month it’s all about the beach reads, rom coms,  and/or love stories. Pick something fun and light-hearted.

AUGUST- Quick Lit. Novellas, Graphic Novels, Poetry Collections, books under 200 pages, one sitting reads.

SEPTEMBER- Title Play. Read a book with a clever title that uses a play on words, a pun, a joke, or titles that have double meanings. 

OCTOBER- Murder or Magic. Read a murder mystery book or a magical realism book.

NOVEMBER- Books in Translation. Read any book that wasn’t originally written in your native language but has since been translated to it.

DECEMBER- The Fire is So Delightful. Read a book that has a fire, flames, candles, smoke, or burning in the title or on the cover.


Back to the Classics Challenge 2022 hosted by Books and Chocolate.

Another challenge I return to each year. I usually set my goal at 6 classics (in 6 categories), and that works well for me, though last year, I only read 4 classics. I am already reading one now, so I hope to meet my goal this year! Here are the categories for 2022:

1. A 19th century classic. Any book first published from 1800 to 1899

2. A 20th century classic. Any book first published from 1900 to 1972. All books must have been published at least 50 years ago; the only exceptions are books which were written by 1972 and posthumously published.

3. A classic by a woman author.

4. A classic in translation.  Any book first published in a language that is not your primary language. You may read it in translation or in its original language, if you prefer. 

5. A classic by BIPOC author. Any book published by a non-white author.

 Mystery/Detective/Crime classic. It can be fiction or non-fiction (true crime). Examples include Murder on the Orient Express, Crime and Punishment, In Cold Blood.

7. A classic short story collection. Any single volume that contains at least six short stories. The book can have a single author or can be an anthology of multiple authors. 

8. Pre-1800 classic. Anything written before 1800. Plays and epic poems, such as the Odyssey, are acceptable in this category. 

9. A nonfiction classic. Travel, memoirs, and biographies are great choices for this category.

10. Classic that's been on your TBR list the longest. Find the classic book that's been hanging around unread the longest, and finally cross it off your list!  

11. Classic set in a place you'd like to visit. Can be real or imaginary -- Paris, Tokyo, the moon, Middle Earth, etc. It can be someplace you've never been, or someplace you'd like to visit again.

12. Wild card classic. Any classic book you like, any category, as long as it's at least 50 years old! 


2022 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge hosted by Escape with Dollycas Into a Good Book.

This type of challenge was a new for me in 2021, and I enjoyed it, so I'm trying another! You just track the books you read, trying to cover all letters of the alphabet (first letter of the title, not counting articles). Last year, I filled in 21 of 26 letters.


2022 Nonfiction Reader Challenge hosted by Book'd Out.

I always sign up for a nonfiction challenge, and I enjoyed this one last year! I read 15 nonfiction books in 2020, so I will sign up for the Nonfiction Nosher category and shoot for reading at least 12. Last year, I read 13!


1. Social History

2. Popular Science

3. Language

4. Medical Memoir

5. Climate/Weather

6. Celebrity

7. Reference

8. Geography

9. Linked to a podcast

10. Wild Animals

11. Economics

12. Published in 2022


Diversity Reading Challenge 2022 hosted by Celebrity Readers.

This is also a familiar challenge for me that I enjoy every year. I read 33 diverse books last year, so I will shoot for 40 this year! This challenge also includes monthly mini challenges and a link-up for reviews. 

JANUARY – diverse folktales/culture/mythology; or diverse retelling; or non-western setting
FEBRUARYpoc: Black/African American
MARCH#ownvoices; or gender: female authors in male-dominated genres/non-fiction
APRIL – poc: Middle Eastern/South Asian
MAYpoc: East Asian/Southeast Asian/Pacific Islander
JUNELGBT+ pride summer: sexuality and gender identity
JULY – LGBT+ pride summer: sexuality and gender identity
AUGUSTmental health/addiction
SEPTEMBERpoc: hispanic/latinx
OCTOBERphysical/sensory/cognitive/intellectual/developmental disabilities
NOVEMBERpoc: Native American
DECEMBERreligious minorities


Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge hosted by Mom's Small Victories 

I signed up for this one back in 2014, so this is a continuation (it's a perpetual challenge) - I can't wait to see what places I visit in books in 2022! In 2021, my books took me to 36 places outside the U.S., covering 17 different countries.


2022 Literary Escapes Challenge hosted by Escape with Dollycas Into a Good Book.

I love tracking where I read domestically, as well. In 2021, I read books set in 23 different states. I'm looking forward to reading in even more states this year!









District of Columbia





















New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota





Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota







West Virginia




Big Book Summer Challenge hosted by Book By Book (me!)

My own annual challenge that I host each summer, beginning Memorial Day weekend (end of May) and running until Labor Day (first Monday of September). Hope you'll join me for the laid-back fun this summer!




  1. We have many challenges in common so it will be fun to see what you read for them and get ideas. And, of course, I look forward to your big book challenge!

    1. Yes, I agree! I had your Challenges page open while I was setting mine up, Helen, because I know we often do similar/same ones!

  2. I thought I was doing a lot of challenges, LOL! I am doing the Literary Escapes and Mount TBR (something we all need, right?). Good luck with all of these!

    1. ha ha And I pared them down this year, Cindy! Got rid of some that were time-consuming to track. My word for the year is simplify! And, yes, I really need that TBR challenge! Good luck with yours, too!

  3. Yay! I'm so glad you're still doing your Travel the World in Books! Besides Travel the World in Books, my goal is to read 50 books from my TBR bookshelves this year (and get rid of any that are under 4 stars). I'm allowed to use the audio version to help me along. My bookshelves are overflowing! Classics may take a back seat for me since the ones on my shelves i intend to keep. I also have a nonfiction goal of one per month. I'm also doing the monthly keyword challenge. Of course, I'll be doing big book summer with you, I already have some books marked off for that. Good luck on all your goals and challenges!

    1. Tanya!! I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

      Yes, I still do Travel the World in Books every year! Sounds like you have some great reading goals for the year. My bookshelves are overflowing, too!! I tried the Keyword Challenge one year, and totally failed - I think I got two keywords the entire year! lol Yay! So glad you're planning to do Big Book Summer again - I've already been setting aside Big books, too!
