
Friday, June 18, 2021

New E-Mail List Provider

No, this isn't a duplicate post from two weeks ago! The first new mail provider I tried using, Mailchimp, didn't work for me because they couldn't e-mail the list every time I had a new blog post up. After much research, work, and many chats with the Help line (I am really just no good at the technical stuff), I am now signed up with, a fairly new e-mail list service. 

This one is made specifically for sending blog updates, so it should work pretty smoothly. They don't currently have the ability for me to send extra e-mails, but let's be honest - I don't have time for that now anyway! What follow-it does offer, however, is an extra perk for YOU, the readers. is a feed-reading service (something like Reddit, I think), so in addition to following my blog, you can choose other feeds you want to follow as well, including all kinds of news, sports, entertainment, and loads of book-related feeds. You don't have to sign up for anything else, but the service is there for you to use (for free) if you want to.

So, once again, you may see a duplicate post as I transition; I will turn off the old feed as soon as I send this post. After this post, you should receive updates only from the new feed.

The e-mails may look a little different, but the service will be almost the same as before: you'll receive each blog post via e-mail, probably the day after I post it.

NOTE: If you were on the list before and stop receiving e-mails OR if you'd like to sign up for the blog post e-mails, just use the quick form at the top of the sidebar on my blog.

See you in your Inbox!


  1. I am also trying and I just want it to work without me having to think about it!

    1. Yes, exactly! So far, so good :)

    2. I take it back. They said there were some spam e-mails on my list they had to remove, so I allowed them to do that - they deleted 1200 e-mails from my list of 1250!! I'm furious and trying to figure out if they can fix it. Ugh.
