
Friday, July 05, 2019

Fiction Review: Gone with the Wind

It took me five weeks - and multiple reading challenges for extra motivation! - but I finally finished reading Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Given the fact that it won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award, has become a beloved icon of classic American literature, and has been highly acclaimed for over 80 years now, I shouldn't have been surprised by how much I liked it. But I was blown away by this engrossing novel, and in 950+ pages and five weeks, never once got bored of reading it. In fact, I am now missing Scarlett, Melanie, Rhett, and the rest of the gang.

I am guessing that most people know the basic plot (I saw the movie about 35 or so years ago and remembered the highlights), but I will provide a quick recap. Scarlett O'Hara is a classic Southern Belle, living on a prosperous cotton plantation called Tara in northern Georgia with her parents and two sisters (and lots of slaves). It is 1861, and Scarlett is 16 years old, blossomed into a beautiful and brash young woman who knows the power she has over men. She is happiest surrounded by beaux, flirting with them all, and delighting in the effect she has on them. The novel opens with a barbecue at the neighboring plantation, Twelve Oaks, owned by the Wilkes. Scarlett is surrounded by men, as usual, but the one she really wants is Ashley Wilkes, a quiet, scholarly young man whom Scarlett grew up with. At this event, Ashley gets engaged to Melanie Hamilton, a small, plain young woman. The Civil War soon interrupts all their lives, as the men go off to fight, and the women are left to try to manage the households, as shortages of basic supplies make everyday life difficult and the violence and devastation of the war affects civilians. Scarlett heads to Atlanta to move in with Melanie (whom she hates, of course) to help care for Melanie's Aunt Pitty, an elderly and helpless woman. The novel continues through the war, the burning of Atlanta, and on into the dark days of Reconstruction. Scarlett changes from a delicate flower to a strong, fierce, determined woman, as she does what she has to to save her family, friends, and Tara. All along, she continues to hate Melanie (though the two become quite close in facing adversity together), secretly love Ashley, and more and more, is attracted to a much-hated handsome Scallawag named Rhett Butler.

So, there's almost 1000 pages in one paragraph. I've been careful to avoid any spoilers and just stick to the bare outline of the plot, but SO MUCH happens in this novel! It is filled with unexpected plot twists, suspense, and surprises. Mitchell has crafted an exquisite novel filled with three-dimensional characters that you come to care for (or hate, or in Scarlett's case, love and hate, alternatingly!). For such a long story, it is surprisingly agile and fast-paced, filled with action and completely engrossing. It's funny, too, with plenty of passages that made me laugh out loud in surprise. Mitchell's writing is engaging and insightful, as in Rhett's musings about the realities of war and here, where she describes the Southern gentility during the barbecue:
"Men and women, they were beautiful and wild, all a little violent under their pleasant ways and only a little tamed."

This is also a work of historical fiction, though, and I learned so much about the South during the Civil War and Reconstruction. I had no idea of the darker side of Reconstruction - the corruption, political machinations, and the military rule over Georgia and other Southern states. Nor did I realize just how much ordinary people suffered during the war and after. Of course, as you might expect of a novel written in the 1930's, the racial picture drawn in the story is in sharp contrast to our modern sensibilities. The slaves that work at Tara and most of its neighboring plantations are happy in their roles and well taken care of, with the white characters often mentioning how the simple-minded "darkies" need structure and direction. In fact, most of the main black characters in the novel choose to remain with their masters after the war ends and they are freed; most field slaves flee but most house slaves stay. As horrifying as all this is, I accepted the way the story is told as a product of its time, both the 1860's in which is was set, and the 1930's when it was written. If anything, it is perhaps an accurate picture of how most white, wealthy Southerners thought at the time.

Margaret Mitchell brought to vivid life this singular period of American history, in this singular place. She opened my eyes to the effects of the war and its aftermath on real people, most of whom went from living wealthy lives of leisure and beauty to poverty, grievous injury (or death), and starvation. And she does all of this through an incredibly complex character, Scarlett, who is selfish and shallow ("I'll think about that tomorrow!") but can also become a fierce and loving protector when her friends and family are threatened. It's a love story, a fascinating history, and a compelling family saga. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every page of it. Now I am eager to re-watch the movie adaptation!

959 pages, Scribner

This was my first book read for my 2019 Big Book Summer Challenge (quite a start!). There is still plenty of time for you to join the fun, too! Check out the details at the link.

Note: This post contains affiliate links. Purchases from these links provide a small commission to me (pennies per purchase), to help offset the time I spend writing for this blog, at no extra cost to you.

Listen to a sample of the (very long!) audio book, from the opening of the novel.

You can purchase Gone with the Wind from an independent bookstore, either locally or online, here:

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Or you can order Gone with the Wind from Book Depository, with free shipping worldwide.


  1. I can't even remember when I saw the movie but certain images remain. The book seems an absolute chunkster.

    1. Same - I just remember a few key scenes...but I recognized them in the book!

  2. I'm embarrassed to admit, I never read the book:(

    1. This was my first time, too, Diane! Can't believe I waited so long!

  3. Anonymous10:23 PM

    The movie is airing on Turner Classic Movies this Friday night. I'm setting my DVR!

  4. I have this on my shelves, but haven't yet mustered the motivation to read. It's great you made time for it and I enjoyed your review :)

    1. Thanks! Definitely make time for it - it's well-worth it!

  5. Hi and hello from Finland! I just found this blog and I enjoy it very much, so thank you Sue! I read Gone With the Wind 30 years ago and loved it then, and I feel I will have to do a re-read soon:)

    1. Hello, Annika, and welcome! Thanks for the kind words - glad you are enjoying my blog! Glad you loved this classic novel, too.

  6. I read it in high school and told everyone it was my favorite book for years. Then I figured I better stop saying that in case there was too much racism within. I'd forgotten the details.

    1. I think it is a book of its time and still such a well-written classic. Interesting that you read it so young, and I just finally got to it!

  7. I never got bored either. Your description of it being agile and fast paced is so true. Such amazing storytelling. At the very beginning it is said that Scarlett is NOT beautiful, but we admirers of the novel all tend to use that word to describe her.

    1. Ah, you are right, Chris! I hadn't even noticed that I did that :) It's actually a key characteristic of Scarlett, that she was so charismatic that people thought of her as beautiful, even though she wasn't conventionally beautiful. Good catch!

  8. I read Gone with the Wind for the first time in 9th grade, and at least once in every school year thereafter. It's obvious that I LOVED this book. Although I have read it at least a dozen times, I haven't touched in the last 20 years - so I think it's time for a reread.

    THANK YOU for not ranting about the racial descriptions. They are exactly what you say they are:" a product of [their] time, both the 1860's in which [the book] was set, and the 1930's when it was written. If anything, it is perhaps an accurate picture of how most white, wealthy Southerners thought at the time."

    And don't we need to know how societies felt in the past, in order not to repeat their mistakes?

    1. Wow, that is a LOT of re-reads, Debbie!! Good for you - sounds like you are definitely due. It's always interesting to re-read something as a more - ahem, mature person that you loved as a child.

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment!

  9. Well, this one definitely counts for your Big Summer Reads Challenge! I know I won't read this book, but am so impressed that you did!

    1. Thanks, Helen! It was well worth the time spent :)

  10. I have a VERY old hardcover copy of this book on my self, but I've never gotten around to reading it.

    1. It's well-worth the time to read it, Davida! I enjoyed it far more than I expected to and was stunned by how well-written it was (shouldn't have been - it IS one of the most popular novels of all time and did win the Pulitzer, after all!)
