
Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Books Read in May

Not, that's not a typo - it's July 2, and this is my MAY summary! I had a lot of books to review from May...and a lot of family crises that kept me from writing. So...May! May was an excellent reading month, with a lot of variety. Here's what I finished reading in May:

Links are to my reviews. Note that I did not review The Knowing because I couldn't write about it without spoiling the first book in the series, so you can read my review (no spoilers!) of that book, The Forgetting, at this link.

I read eight books in total in May, which is very good for me. Seven of them were fiction, but I did get one nonfiction memoir in there, for a change! Two of the books were teen/YA, and the other six were for adults, and I listened to two books on audio in May. The first two books listed were the last of my 2019 Booktopia reads, and I enjoyed meeting both of those authors. I enjoyed all eight books, but it's easy to pick a favorite because I really loved Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine and am still missing the book and its main character. Highly recommended if you haven't read it yet!

Progress in 2019 Reading Challenges:
This is my favorite part of my monthly summary - updating my Reading Challenges:

Mount TBR Reading Challenge - just 3 of my 8 books were from my own shelves (and they were all fairly new, so I am still losing ground!).

Monthly Motif Reading Challenge - May was One Sitting Reads month, so I am counting On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden...though to be clear, I didn't actually read it in one sitting, as I tend to read graphic novels in small bites...but I could have!

Back to the Classics Challenge - Woohoo! With True Grit by Charles Portis, I finally read my first classic of the year! I counted this one as a novella, as it was just 240 pages.

Monthly Keyword Challenge - I didn't read a single book with any of the monthly keywords in the title...again, for the 5th month in a row! Clearly this challenge wasn't a good choice for me!
Nonfiction Reading Challenge 2019 - I added Inheritance by Dani Shapiro, as my 4th nonfiction read of the year.

Diversity Reading Challenge - 3 of my 8 books were diverse books.

Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge - I added just one new country, Scotland (do other planets count? I had two of those!)

2018 Literary Escapes Challenge - I added 3 new states: Iowa, Connecticut, and Arkansas (and read two more books set in Maine - a popular setting for me this year!)
Finally, Bookish Bingo hosted by Chapter Break - not really a challenge per se, but a fun game that I play each month. I filled in 21 squares in May - 

Bingo spaces filled in:
The Guest Book - recently released (2019), audio book
Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl -  read a physical book, minority author, new to me author
On a Sunbeam - alternative mode of transportation (spaceship), free book
Evvie Drake Starts Over - new relationship, clean romance, contemporary fiction
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine - library book, award-winning, overcome adversity, mother
The Knowing - suspense, in a series
Inheritance - not in a series
True Grit - shelf love, made into a movie, outlaw/scoundrel
What was your favorite book read in May? 


  1. I think you can count different planets for new locations! Of course, Eleanor Oliphant jumps out at me since I loved that book so much.

    1. Yes! I think I did count "the moon" last year when I read Artemis - lol - but these were unnamed planets :)
