
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Saturday Snapshot: Spring Blooms

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda at A Web of Stories (same host as always but with a new blog - check it out!).

Whew, 6 weeks of non-stop travel is finally over, and I am thrilled to just be HOME. Since I've missed so many Saturday Snapshots, here are some photos of the spring blooms from the past couple of months, in rough order, from around our neighborhood (I was home in between trips for a few short walks and some photos!). I love watching the different blooms mark the stages of spring:

First crocuses of spring!

My favorite sign of spring - brilliant yellow forsythia!

Daffodils in bloom
Daffodils and one of the first trees to bloom here.

A redbud tree - we saw these in early April in VA then at home.

Weeping cherry tree - almost missed this one!

I think a regular cherry tree in bloom.

My own lilacs - another favorite - I love the scent!
Azaleas popped out all over the neighborhood in gorgeous colors.

Neighbor's rhododendrons are in bloom now

Our own purple irises are just beginning to bloom - they don't last long!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend and the spring!


  1. lovely flowers, I'm feel happier already on our rainy Sunday!

    1. Oh, good, Diane - happy to brighten your dreary day! We had a beautiful weekend here :)

  2. Spring! I grew up with a forsythia outside my bedroom window, and I think that bush is about my favorite. So bright and hopeful on cool, cloudy days. Loved all your photos, and those rhododendrons! Happy spring.

    1. Forsythia is my favorite, too, Jane!! I just love that burst of bright yellow in early spring - makes me smile :)

  3. The first blooms of spring are the best!

    1. I agree, Melinda - puts a smile on my face!
