
Saturday, October 06, 2018

Saturday Snapshot: Elk Neck State Park, Maryland

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda at West Metro Mommy Reads.

After months of cancelled camping trips due to weather and truck repairs, we finally got out last weekend. We just went to our favorite local state park, less than an hour from home, but it was a relaxing getaway...and miraculously, the weather over the weekend was absolutely perfect, with highs in the 70's and low's in the 60's. Our son and his girlfriend joined us for part of the weekend, too. Elk Neck State Park is a beautiful place, located on a peninsula, where two rivers meet at the Chesapeake Bay. Here are some highlights:

Recent storms left a LOT of driftwood on the beach!

Monarch with animal prints

Selfie on the beach at Elk Neck

Private beach near the campground - so peaceful!

Raucous Canadian Geese fighting over who got there first

View of the beach from the campground

Relaxing Saturday spent camping & reading

View of the Chesapeake Bay from the peninsula

My husband & I in front of the Chesapeake

Turkey Point Lighthouse (and my son & his girlfriend)

Spiral staircase inside the lighthouse (yes, we went up!)

My son and his girlfriend walking back from the lighthouse.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


  1. What a beautiful park! It's amazing a place that's so close to home can feel like it's hundreds of miles away. Most of the hikes I go on are about an hour's drive away. Aren't we lucky to have such natural beauty nearby? Looks like you had a terrific time.
    My Saturday Snapshot post features random photos from Mount St. Helens.

    1. Yes, that's what we love about the outdoors & camping, Sandra - it feels like a vacation, even if just for the weekend (or even a day trip). And we are very lucky to live within easy driving distance of the Bay, ocean, mountains, and lakes.

  2. It looks so peaceful and relaxing!

  3. Beautiful pictures Sue. Looks like a fun trip.

    1. Thanks, Diane. It was a lovely trip.

  4. Ahhh our infamous Canadian geese, making a mess everywhere.

    1. ha ha - yeah, they've gotten a bad rap ;) These guys were just having a little West Side Story type fight over territory, but they sure were noisy!

  5. Wow. What spectacular photos. I especially like the spiral staircase one.

    I have a favor to ask you. Cybils are taking nominations. Each blogger (you have to register) can nominate a book in each category or as many categories as they have a book to nominate for it. I have three books I'd like to nominate for the JH/SH Nonfiction category but can only nominate one. Another blogger nominated one, but I need your help to get the other book into consideration. The book is FACING FREDERICK (Frederick Douglass) by Tonya Bolden. Here is the link to the Cybils Nomination Page. Hopefully you can register from that spot, if you aren't already registered. If you decide you don't want to nominate this book, no worries, just let me know and I will ask someone else. With all the middle grade reviews you write, I bet you have a lot of good nominations to make. Cybils Nominations and here is a link to the bookFacing Frederick. Nominations close on October 15th. I am a 1st round judge for the nonfiction category this year (and last) and enjoyed the process very much.

    Thanks for helping me out.
