
Saturday, December 23, 2017

Saturday Snapshot: Happy Holidays!

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Melinda at West Metro Mommy Reads.

Not much time for blogging this week with all the holiday preparations. I have been running around town like crazy and literally ran after our mail truck yesterday with one last batch of cards (yes, I caught up with him!). Exhausted today but we are pretty much ready for Christmas now, except for wrapping gifts this weekend and doing a few minor food prep things. So, here are some highlights of our holiday prep and early celebrations:

Our favorite local tree farm - and it was snowing! A rarity here in Dec.

My sons and I with our chosen tree

The reindeer residents at the tree farm - feeding time!

Starting to look a bit festive

Our sons with our tree.

Our finished tree, full of memories.

Kicking off the holidays with a night out to a Brazilian steakhouse and...

...the recliner theater for Star Wars: The Last Jedi!

Beautiful winter sunset

Hope you are enjoying a wonderful holiday season with your friends and family!


  1. Wishing you all the best, Sue.

  2. Thanks for sharing your Christmas preparations. You've definitely been busy! With those comfy recliners, I'd never make it through the whole movie without falling asleep. I hope you and your family have a joyous holiday. See you next weekend here on Saturday Snapshots!
    Sandy @ Writing With a Texas Twang

    1. ha ha - it was a challenge not to fall asleep, especially after a big meal at a Brazilian Steakhouse! Luckily, Star Wars is tough to fall asleep to :)

      Hope you enjoyed the holidays with your family, too!

  3. I love seeing other people's Christmas decorations and photos! I house is starting to look Christmasy now that we're back home after the evacuation. Not snowy though :-)

    1. So glad to hear you are back home and everyone is OK, Helen - hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas with your family!
