
Monday, September 04, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Happy Labor Day here in the U.S.! Today is our unofficial end of summer. Most kids went back to school last week or are starting back this week. People here usually celebrate with a picnic or one last trip to the beach (or lake or whatever favorite summer place is nearby!). We're having a couple of friends and my father-in-law over for classic American summer food tonight: burgers, corn on the cob, and watermelon!

Labor Day also marks the official end of my 2017 Big Book Summer Challenge! Though my summer was a bit hectic and tiring, and I am happy for fall to start, I'm sorry to see this challenge end because I really enjoy having the time to tackle some bigger books in the summer - though there are still plenty more on my shelves! If you missed the challenge this summer, take a look at the challenge page and join the fun next year!

Here's what we've been reading this past week:
  • I finished my next review book for Shelf Awareness - Machine Learning by Hugh Howey, a collection of short stories (including a few Silo stories) from the author of the amazing Silo trilogy, which I just finished last month. Just like his novels, these stories are imaginative, clever, and entertaining - and some are mind-blowing as well! I really enjoyed this book, which is due for release on October 3.
  • I squeezed in one more review book for Shelf Awareness this week. I only intended to read a few pages and then set it aside until after the Big Book Summer Challenge ended, but it pulled me right in, and I read the whole thing in just a few days! The Hunting Accident by David L. Carlson and Landis Blair is a graphic novel for adults, based on the real-life story of Matt Rizzo, a one-time criminal who was in prison in Chicago in the 1930's and later became a blind poet and writer. It's told from the perspective of his son, and is absolutely riveting. It combines history, literature, suspense, and family drama, and the drawings are compelling. This one is due out in mid-September, so I need to write my review this week. Bonus: it turned out to be a huge book, so it counts for the Big Book Summer Challenge!
  • Finally, I got back on track with one last Big Book for the challenge: Overpowered by Mark H. Kruger, a teen/YA sci fi novel about a little town in Colorado with some very weird stuff going on. I am almost finished with it - it's been a very quick and captivating read - and I'm really enjoying it. 
  • My husband, Ken, is still reading The Magician King by Lev Grossman, book 2 in the Magicians Trilogy. He and our son both like this series, and he should finish it by tonight for one last Big Book of the Summer for him!
  • Jamie, 23, is reading an epic fantasy (and Big Book): Swords and Scoundrels by Julia Knight, book 1 of The Duelists trilogy. I could tell by the title, this one is right up his alley! He went on a brief sci fi kick this summer, but now he is clearly back to his fantasy roots. 
 Blog posts this week:
Movie Monday: Going in Style - warm, funny caper starring 3 Hollywood legends

TV Tuesday: The Sinner - dark, twisty thriller starring Jessica Biel

Teen/YA Review: Almost Autumn - teen girl in occupied Norway during WWII

My Summary of Books Read in July - still behind but catching up! A good reading month for me.

Fiction Review: The Atlas of Forgotten Places - 2 different women come together in war-torn Uganda in 2008 to search for missing loved ones. I loved it!

Saturday Snapshot & Weekend Cooking: Summer Food - my summer told in photos of delicious food!
What Are You Reading Monday is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date, so head over and check out her blog and join the Monday fun! You can also participate in a kid/teen/YA version hosted by Unleashing Readers.

What are you and your family reading this week?  

You can follow me on Twitter at @SueBookByBook or on Facebook on my blog's page.

Remember if you are participating in my Big Book Summer Challenge to leave links to your reviews on the challenge page (the second links list is for reviews, updates, and wrap-ups) to share them. We only have a few reviews linked up so far, and I know many of you have been reading your Big Books this summer! The Challenge will wrap-up next Monday, though you can continue to link up your reviews and/or wrap-up posts through the end of September.


  1. I'm really looking forward to that graphic novel, The Hunting Accident. Happy reading this week.

    1. It was really great, Cheriee - completely original & captivating.

  2. I hope your Labor Day celebrations went off well. We have our Labour Day in October and it is always very welcome. Enjoy your reading and congrats on reading those big books!

    1. Yes, we had a nice day. Thanks, Kathryn!

  3. I've always been intrigued by the Lev Grossman books. Maybe one day I will grab one. The Hunting Accident sounds fascinating also.

    Happy reading this week! :)

    1. My son and my husband both like the books...and the TV show.

  4. I'm reading a bunch of mysteries because that's what I'm in the mood for. Come see what I'm reading

    1. Sounds like fun! I switch to mystery/suspense/spooky stuff this time of year for the RIP challenge!

  5. I hate the whole end of summer thing. On the other hand, in Louisiana we still have another six weeks of hot weather and the kids went back to school three weeks ago, so it's just a date, right?

    1. Yes, definitely!

      Personally, I like this time of year - the start of school kind of signals a fresh start for me, like a mini new year!

  6. Gosh, now I really want to read The Hunting Accident! That description lured me in. I am going to see if I can find a copy of it! :)

    1. Yes, it was So good, Ricki! It's from First Second, coming out mid-month in Sept (19th, I think?)

  7. I really wanted Machine Learning, but didn't get it. Maybe one day :) have a great reading week!

    1. It was excellent - highly recommended!
