
Friday, October 07, 2016

What Makes Me Happy

I've been tagged by Anne of My Head is Full of Books to complete The Happiness Tag.  Actually, Anne tagged me way back in August (this is why I don't normally do these kinds of things anymore!). It's taken me a long time to find the time to squeeze in an extra post, but Anne is a good friend, and I wanted to give a shout-out to other blogging friends as well! As Anne mentioned on her post, she and I feel as if we are real-life friends, even though we live on opposite ends of the country! I urge you to check out her blog - it is warm, interesting, and always entertaining.

1. List 5 things that make you happy.
2. List 5 songs that make you happy.
3. List 5 bloggers that make you happy and let them know that they have been nominated.

OK, here goes...

5 Things That Make Me Happy
  1. My husband and kids (now young adults)
  2. Being outdoors (I am writing this on my back deck)
  3. My friends, especially when I am able to enjoy the outdoors with my friends!
  4. Travel - this goes along with #2 because we are usually camping & enjoying the outdoors when we travel! Though we also love to discover good food on the road.
  5. Reading, of course! Nothing like losing yourself in an amazing book.
 5 Songs That Make You Happy
  1. Happy by Pharrell Williams (makes me dance!)
  2. I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor - an anthem! It came on the radio in my convertible yesterday, and I cranked up the volume and belted it out!
  3. Bohemian Rhapsody or really, anything at all by Queen - not really a happy song (the lyrics are actually kind of disturbing), but I can't help singing along at top volume!
  4. Best Day of My Life by American Authors - makes me smile - this one does have happy lyrics 
  5. You Better You Bet by The Who - because it takes me back to high school and has really cool lyrics - actually, anything by The Who!
 (Honorable mentions to anything at all by ABBA or Billy Joel and most of the soundtrack from Glee

5 Bloggers That Make Me Happy
(keeping in mind that Anne, who nominated me, would normally be in my top 5!)
  1.  Julie of My Book Retreat - she is another blogging friend who feels like a friend IRL. She's a mom, too, we share a lot of the same reading tastes, and I always enjoy visiting her blog.
  2. Tanya of Mom's Small Victories - besides our love of books and being moms to boys, Tanya is also battling an immune-related chronic illness like me. I don't know how she finds the time and energy for such an amazing blog! We have so much in common - I know we'd have a blast if we met in person.
  3. Ricki and Kellee of Unleashing Readers - though they are at the beginning of their motherhood journeys while I am almost done (though you are probably never done!), I LOVE Ricki and Kellee's contagious enthusiasm about books & reading, especially for kids. I always look forward to visiting their blog!
  4. Beth Fish Reads - we both love books of all kinds, cooking, fresh produce, and eating tasty foods. Her blog posts always make me smile and are interesting and original. 
  5. Tanya at Girlxoxo - I've been enjoying Tanya's blog for years. She is another mom who loves a wide variety of books (see a pattern here?). I am absolutely in awe of her polished, professional blog and gorgeous photos, and her posts are always unique and enticing!

Feel free to join in the fun even if I didn't tag you (it was hard to choose only 5!). It makes you happy!


  1. Happiness tags make me happy. Glad you joined in! Thanks for your friendship via blogging!

  2. Sue! You make us happy as well, and I am so honored to have made your list <3 <3 <3

  3. I love reading about the things that make you happy. In fact, it makes me happy to read your list.

    1. Aw thanks, Deb! It was a fun post to write!

  4. I'd never heard of the Happiness Tag until I found your post through the #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup. What a fun and fantastic idea! Great for keeping us focused on what's good and positive in our lives. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thank you so much for this. It means a lot! I've really struggled with my blog these past couple years, mostly because work requires me to be at a computer all day so I just don't feel like getting on in the evenings anymore. But it's things like this that make me want to keep going!!
