
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Saturday Snapshot: Sunshine Between the Rain

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads. 

I don't know if you've heard, but the mid-Atlantic US has been experiencing a record-breaking spring, with the most number of consecutive rainy days in a row EVER! I am so sick of dark, overcast skies. We did see a glimpse of the sun on Monday and Friday this week (now it is 50's and raining hard again), so here are some sunny day pictures to inspire me (plus one to show you what the sky usually looks like!)

Green leaves against a (rare) blue sky!

50 shades of green

Just a couple of tiny fluffy clouds!

Love this bright pink against the yellow bush

A tree in our yard - no idea what it is!

More typical day - thought blue sky was peeking thru but it didn't last

Hope you are enjoying a nice weekend and staying dry!


  1. Love the blue skies - I've forgotten what they look like! It's been overcast and rainy here all week, but a couple of weeks ago it was like summer. My Snaphot is at

    1. It's crazy weather this year, isn't it? My fear is we will go from cool and rainy to hot and humid and skip my favorite part where it is 60's and 70's and sunny!

  2. Gorgeous! Your pink flowers look like columbines, and the tree might be a dogwood. I'd need to see a close-up of one of the blooms to be sure. Regardless, all the flowering plants are beautiful. I love this time of year... even if it's rainy.
    My Saturday Snapshot post features a tiny library.

    1. Thanks! I'll ask my neighbor about the pink ones when she gets home from her vacation :) And the white blooms in our tree isn't a dogwood - we have those in the back & they look different (and are done blooming now). We had a tree expert here a few years ago who told me - wish I'd have written it down!


  3. I spent most of my life in the Midwest so I sympathize with you and all those rainy days. However, we are now retired in northern California, better known as drought country, so every day that it rains here, everyone celebrates. I guess it's all about perspective. Love all your photos.

    1. ha ha - very true, Margot! We love northern CA & would love to go back again & explore it more. Sounds like a great place to retire!

  4. Lovely photos. Even here in Ohio I'm tired of rain.

    1. It's been pretty constant, hasn't it? Ready for some sunny days!

  5. We've dived straight into summer here in India. Temperatures in some states have reached 51 degrees Celsius!
    Just Wondering- Will you be hosting the Big Book Challenge again this year?

    1. YES!! So glad you asked :) Would love for you to participate again. I'll have to remember to mention it in my Monday post. I will kick it off next weekend - that's Memorial Day here & the unofficial start of summer.

  6. We've had a lot of rain, too, but we finally got some sunny days here in Missouri. Hopefully, that's headed your way now!

  7. I know the cold, rainy spring days are hard to take but when they clear you'll have lush green for the summer.

    Great job catching the few blue sky moments!

  8. There's nothing like a rainy stretch to make you appreciate the sun! Here in the Pacific Northwest, we almost start partying when the sun comes out in the Spring!
