
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon Wrap-Up

The Readathon is officially over! It was so much fun! It is truly rare for me to completely take a day off from all of my responsibilities and that nagging to-do list and even rarer (never?) for me to spend an entire day reading, so I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I did the Readathon my own way (which the organizers assured me was just fine!), so I didn't read the entire 24 hours (nor even a full 12). I have a chronic illness that requires a lot of sleep, including a daytime nap, so I listened to my body and stuck to my normal sleep schedule - all-nighters are definitely a thing of the past for me. I did read until 10:45 pm, though, which is pretty late for me! So, there really wasn't anything difficult about the Readathon for me since I worked my reading around my normal routine for the sake of my health - nothing but reading pleasure!

My son and his girlfriend were here in the morning before they headed to the beach, so I took time to make a big breakfast & enjoy their company (but I listened to my audio book while cooking!). We had easy leftovers for lunch & dinner since my husband hosted a retirement party Friday night, so that worked out well. And I even took some breaks to watch TV with my husband, while we ate and in the evening. Hey, the kids were away for the weekend and it was Saturday night! I couldn't read right through date night.

So, what DID I read? Here's the run-down:
  • 10 pages - I finished The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy by Rachel Joyce, companion novel to The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, which I loved. The follow-up was very good, too.
  • 205 pages - I started Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz for one of my book groups and got a little more than halfway, which I count as a great accomplishment! It's an oddly entertaining book - a gripping thriller with a great sense of humor & irony, where clowns are the bad guys.
  • 23 chapters - I continued listening to my current audio book, The Big Dark by Rodman Philbrick, whenever I needed to do something that prevented me from reading. I am LOVING this suspenseful middle-grade sci fi thriller about a solar flare knocking out all power on earth.
So, yay for me! I met my goals and thoroughly enjoyed my break from normal life and am now in the middle of two excellent books that I can't wait to read more of. I will definitely plan to participate in another Readathon...and once my youngest son is in college this fall, I will have more flexibility to read even more!

My husband started doing the Readathon with me (he's currently reading The Crossing by Michael Connelly), but this weekend was also the end of our cable company's Watchathon Week, and catching up on the entire season of The Walking Dead won out for him! He was seriously obsessed yesterday.

Did you participate in Readathon? How did it go? Are you asleep now? back to real life. I guess I better peek at that to-do list and see what is urgent...

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