
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Books Read in February

Hey, I'm summarizing last month, and it's only the 24th - that's actually an improvement! Though that seeing that photo while I write this out on the back deck makes me realize I am still behind!

I read quite a variety in February:
  • The Two-Family House by Lynda Cohen Loigman (NYC) - adult fiction, reviewed for Publishers Weekly
  • A Night Divided by Jennifer Nielsen (Germany) - middle-grade audio historical fiction 

So, five books (including two audio format), spanning all ages and even including a bit of nonfiction. Even the fiction I read included a lot of variety - sci fi, romantic comedy, family drama, and historical fiction. It's always hard to choose a favorite, especially when they are all so different. The Cage was probably the most compelling, though A Night Divided is a close second...and the characters in The Rosie Effect feel like old friends.

Progress on 2016 Reading Challenges:
This is my favorite part of my monthly summary - updating my Reading Challenges! These are mostly new for this year. Click the link to see them all and check out my progress. Still not much progress on my Read Your Own Damn Books Challenge - only one of these was a TBR book from my shelf! For the Monthly Motif Reading Challenge, amazingly four of my five books fit the Released in the Last Year category for February - that's unusual for me. I read my first nonfiction book of the year for my 2016 Nonfiction Reading Challenge, but still no classics for the 2016 Classics Challenge. For my Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge, I read a book set in Germany. And does the one set on another planet count?? I am also tracking the states my books are set in, even though there is no Where Are You Reading challenge this year - click the link to see my progress so far.

For my February Bookish Bingo (hosted by Chapter Break), I filled 12 of the 25 squares on my Bingo card with these books:
  • The Two-Family House: first love
  • The Rosie Effect: nerd/geek, tattoo/piercing, accent, set on a school campus, bar, inexperienced/naive
  • The Cage: dark past, cyborg
  • This Side of Wild: artist/poet/writer, shelf-love book (TBR)
  • and the Free Space!

What were your favorite books read in February?

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