
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday Snapshot 6/13

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads. 

The calendar may say that it's still spring, but here in Delaware, it is HOT (90's) and very humid - uggh. Still, I managed to take a few walks around my neighborhood and at my local nature center - early in the morning while it was still bearable outside!

Hundreds of baby plums in a neighbor's tree

Vibrant purple flowers (anyone know what these are?)

Bright blue sky and white clouds from my deck

Boardwalk through the marsh at our local nature center

Covered bridge reflected in the stream with sun and greenery (see the haze)

Climbing clematis on my neighbor's mailbox
Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. What a lovely walk! Here it is hot, too, and mornings are the only time to walk, but the city streets here are not so lovely...LOL.

    Thanks for sharing...and here is MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  2. I enjoyed your beautiful summer photos. The boardwalk through the marsh looks inviting -- but not in 90+ heat!
    My Saturday Snapshot post is HERE.

  3. Crazy to think of Delaware as hot! Beautiful flowers, and the covered bridge wowed me.

    1. Delaware is actually a southern state. People sometimes think it's in New England because it was the First State, but it's near Maryland and Virginia.

      Glad you liked the pics! We love our local covered bridge :)

  4. You have some lovely nature photos today. I hate it when I don't know the name of flowers or plants. Wish I could help you on the name of the purple ones.

  5. What a beautiful place you live in. Lovely shots, I particularly like the white clematis.

  6. OH! Th summertime season is coming upon us! Lovely shots!

  7. I'm sitting here rugged up in the chill of an Australian winter day (it can be reasonably cold), and I like this vision of another world. Flower pictures are always lovely.

  8. Great pictures! It is unseasonably hot here as well, but not horribly humid (our moisture--which we are lacking this year--is more likely to come in the form of rain rather than humidity). I think the whole country is gearing up for a HOT summer!
