
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Saturday Snapshot 4/11

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.

Our sons spent their spring breaks on North Captiva Island and the Bahamas! Nice life if you can get it - ha ha. My husband and I drove two hours south and spent a few days camping at the beach - not nearly far enough south, apparently, as it was in the low 40's and raining most of the time! But we still had fun and managed to capture some of the beauty of the beach state park before the weather got TOO bad:

Cape Henlopen State Park shoreline, Delaware

Path to the beach

Cape Henlopen shoreline

Shells and water-worn rocks

Cape Henlopen lighthouse

Later in the week - we've never seen the ocean this rough!

Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend! The sun is finally out here!


  1. I love beaches, wherever they are. Some of my favorite beaches are quiet ones, and sometimes they are a bit cold. Thanks for sharing. Here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  2. Beautiful pictures! The beach and ocean make for excellent subjects no matter what the temperature is.

  3. Your photos are lovely. I think I enjoy the beach more in winter than in summer. There's a different kind of beauty (and fewer people).
    My Saturday Snapshot post is HERE.

  4. I love beaches. All kinds. Nothing that even resembles a beach near our home, unless you count the sandbox at the neighborhood park! :)

  5. It looks pretty cold and lonely. It reminds me a little of our Spring break visit to Birch Bay, off the Puget Sound, where the skies were pretty grey and one had to bundle up to enjoy the outdoors. My snapshot Saturday

  6. Lovely photos. It does look cool though.
