
Monday, April 13, 2015

It's Monday 4/13! What Are You Reading?

Monday morning...and it finally feels like spring here!!  Ahhh... Last week was just miserable weather - low 40's and rainy - and we were camping! Spring finally arrived this weekend, thank goodness. Since my husband and I were on vacation last week, we got a lot of reading done:
  • I finished The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey by Walter Mosley, which is our All-County Reads book this spring. It is a compelling novel about a 91-year old man who recovers his memory and sharp thinking for a short time. Wow, what an emotionally powerful, thought-provoking novel. The characters and the story have really stuck with me. I can't wait to hear Mosley talk this week!
  • I am now reading And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini, another powerful novel. It's about a brother and sister in Afghanistan who are separated as children, and it is just as good as his first two novels. It's a very compelling and well-written story.
  • I am still listening to Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, a middle-grade audiobook about a girl named Ally who struggles because she doesn't fit in and is guarding a secret. It's been excellent so far...but what is wrong with all these teachers?
  • My husband, Ken, is reading Life After Life by Kate Atkinson, which thrilled me to no end since it is one of my favorites! While we are reading at night, he keeps looking over at me and saying, "She died again." I think he's enjoying it.
  • Jamie, 20, had to set fun reading aside last week to finish reading The Iliad for his World History class.
  • Craig, 17, is reading The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald for his American Literature class, using my old copy from high school filled with my scribbled notes which he says is "just like the Half-Blood Prince!" He says it's pretty good so far, which is high praise from someone who claims not to like reading anymore.
 I was offline most of last week but squeezed in a few blog posts when I got home:
Coming Soon: Favorite Books on the Big Screen, a reprint of my book column for Vital! magazine

Summary of Books Read in March

Saturday Snapshot, with photos of our cold visit to the beach!

Weekend Cooking, with our Ukrainian Easter dinner plus two simple dinner recipes

What are you and your family reading this week?    

What Are You Reading Monday is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey, with a kid/teen version hosted by Unleashing Readers

NOTE For What Are You Reading Monday followers and fans: Sheila suffered from an unthinkable loss Easter weekend when her son was killed in a car accident. She posted a brief update on her blog at the above link. My thoughts and prayers are with her family during this very challenging time.


  1. I really need to read Life After Life! I'll have to fit it in at some point. The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey sounds good too. I hope you have another excellent week and enjoy the warmer weather!

    1. Yes, Life After Life was wonderful, Julie! And a companion novel is being released next month, just in time for Mother's Day! I've already requested it from my husband :)

  2. Great week of reading! We finally had some Springlike weather this weekend this weekend her in PA. I even saw a few buds on the trees. Thank goodness! I was thinking that winter was here to stay. Have a wonderful week, happy reading!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minios

    My It's Monday! post

    1. Same here, Michelle! I am not too far from you, in DE.

  3. I've been wanting to read Life after Life. I've heard great things about it, and ha. "She's dead again."

    1. It's really a wonderful book, Jillian - so thought-provoking.

  4. I haven't read And the Mountains Echoed but have a signed copy. Good work getting one for your Travel the World in Books Reading Challenge. Sheila has been in my thoughts since I heard. Unimaginable grief and she was clearly so close to her son. Makes me hug my boys tighter this week.

    1. Oh, gosh, Tanya, yes. Sheila has been on my mind constantly ever since heard. Her sons are similar in age to my own (just a bit older), and she was also so thrilled to spend time with either of them. My heart is breaking for her - I can't even imagine what she is going through.

  5. "She's dead again." I'm pretty sure that's the best way to read Life After Life.

    How fun that your son can use your version of Gatsby. I love reading books that my dad wrote in. :)

    1. ha ha I was afraid he wouldn't want a marked-up book, but he thinks it's great!

  6. And the Mountains Echoed and Life After Life are fabulous books! I've got Fish In a Tree waiting for me at the library.

    1. Yes, both are amazing, Cheriee! And I finished Fish in a Tree yesterday - it was excellent. Enjoy it!

  7. I've been reading By the Book lately, and Walter Mosley and Kate Atkinson has figured a great deal in most of the interviewees' recommendations, so I am tempted to pick up one of their books. I own a copy of And the Mountains Echoed - I hope to read it this year. :)
