
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday Snapshot 2/28

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads. February over yet?? It's been a COLD, miserable month here. Funny how the shortest month of the year feels like the longest! We haven't had much snow this winter (mostly cold and ice), but we got a few inches last weekend. Here are a few photos from this past week - finding the beauty in the February!

Fresh snow covering our deck

Snow on bare branches

Snow on evergreens

A neighbor's kids made a snowman, complete with shoes!

Winter sunset

Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend!


  1. I can fully empathize with you. We here in Alberta, Canada are familiar with snow and ice, but we are fortunate to have a mild winter this year. Love that last picture.

  2. Thanks for sharing your beautiful snow pictures. I especially like the winter sunset. For some reason the snow bypassed us this year in the Pacific Northwest.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

  3. I feel your pain... we can't wait for a thaw !

  4. You have certainly had an intense winter this year. Like you I would struggle with the cold and being stuck indoors and the cloud cover, so well done for finding some beauty within it all.

    I love February in Sydney - it's not long enough for me! I love our hot, steamy weather during my birthday month :-)

  5. We have only had a sprinkling of snow in my part of England, so an rather envious of how pretty yours looks.

  6. We who live far enough away (like Australia) can always see the beauty in your sparkling snowy pictures- but then we don't have to live it. I always love seeing snow on branches- it's so cool.
