
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Saturday Snapshot 1/10

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.

I'm having a productive bookish weekend so far - cleared off some of the unread books on my TBR bookcase (yes, an entire bookcase) and sent my husband off to the library's used book donation site with a big box full. Shedding clutter!

Anyway, here are some really cool sky photos from my neighborhood last week - just one of those days when the sky looked more interesting than everything on the ground!

A sundog!

Bare branches against blue sky & wispy clouds

Amazing clouds patterns that day

3 parallel jet trails over our neighborhood!

Hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend!


  1. I love sky watching too. That first photo is great.

  2. Skydog! That's a term I've never heard before. I enjoyed your sky pictures and hope you're having a great weekend.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

    1. Sundog, Sandy! I never heard the term, either, until I met my husband (he's from Oklahoma). It's one of those little rainbow spots that appear around the sun on a clear-ish day.

  3. What great sky pictures! I'm jealous...we mostly just have gray this time of year.

  4. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing! I had never heard of a sundog before either, but we saw one just a week or two ago. So pretty!

  5. I love the picture of that little rainbow smidge in the sky. They just come and go so quickly!
    ~Linking over from Saturday Snapshots~
