
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Snapshot Saturday 12/27

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.

Hope you are enjoying this holiday season! We had a lovely Christmas, mostly quiet and at home, with a few family visitors.

The big news is that sunshine has returned to Delaware! After a horribly dark, gray, gloomy month, the sun has been out for the past few days, and we've enjoyed some milder temperatures, too. Here are a few pictures from my neighborhood walk yesterday:

Bare branches against a brilliant blue sky!

I loved the look of these branches also reflected in their shadows.

Bright pop of color from the winter berries

Pine branch against blue sky (sliver of crescent moon between branches hard to see here)

Hope you are enjoying the weekend and the holiday season with your friends & family!


  1. Looks beautiful - love the red from the winter berries. I think I am doing lunch with a friend today but then laying low for the weekend. I have a couple projects to work on :)

  2. It looks like no one had a white Christmas! Surprising!

  3. Looks like a beautiful day for a walk. We treasure our "sunbreaks" here in the Pacific Northwest and try to get outdoors whenever there's a glimmer of sunlight.
    My Saturday Snapshots are HERE.

  4. Sigh...I miss the sun! We've had gray for what seems like FOREVER here! Enjoy some Vitamin D for me!

  5. ... a mild Christmas here in New England, also! Love that winterberry, it's such a bright happy display against the brown and grey of the rest of the trees and grasses at this time of year!

  6. Merry Christmas!
    Glad you had a sunny day. We enjoyed a lovely hot summers day - complete with afternoon storm to cool everything down again.

  7. Looks lovely weather for a post Christmas walk.

  8. What lovely pictures! I hope you have a great week.
