
Monday, August 25, 2014

It's Monday 8/25! What Are You Reading?

Things are finally slowing down a bit here and gradually returning to normal (whatever that is!). On Friday, I helped my 20-year old son move into his first apartment, ready to start his Junior year of college tomorrow. My younger son starts his Junior year of high school on Wednesday, and THEN things will really settle down for me. Hopefully, I can begin to get back into some more regular blogging and reviewing habits this week.

We always enjoy our books, even (especially) when things get hectic:
  • I am still reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, for an upcoming book discussion the first week of September. I am a little less than halfway and loving it. The story and characters are just so compelling; I'm staying up way too late each night reading!
  • Although my husband and I are still listening to Uncaged, a teen/YA thriller by adult thriller writer John Sandford and co-author Michelle Cook, we didn't have any time alone together last week to listen. This is book one of a new series called The Singular Menace
  • My husband, Ken, is still reading The Atlantis Gene by A.G. Riddle, book 1 of The Origin Mystery series, on his Kindle. He says it has grown on him, and he's enjoying it. 
  • Jamie, 20, was reading The Crown of Stones: Magic-Price by C.L. Schneider when he left home - I have no idea if he's finished it or not. He has been reading like crazy all summer, so the start of classes tomorrow will certainly slow him down.
  • Craig, 16, FINALLY started his summer reading for school! His class was assigned Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. I kept telling him he'd actually like this school-assigned novel, and he has grudgingly admitted it's not too bad. Not sure if he'll finish by Wednesday!
No time for reviews last week, in the flurry of shopping, packing, laundry, and doctor's appointments, but I did manage a couple of posts this weekend:

Snapshot Saturday, with a few photos from our time camping in the White Mountains of NH

Weekend Cooking, with an easy foil dinner, adapted for home from our camping trips

What are you and your family reading this week?    

What Are You Reading Monday is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey, with a kid/teen version hosted by Unleashing Readers.  

NOTE: This is the last week for the Big Book Summer Challenge, so finish up those big books! Remember to post links to your big book reviews on the challenge page (you can continue to post review links after September 1).


  1. I'm always looking for more meals to expand our camping trip menu, I'll be sure to check that post out :)

    Have a great week,

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    I finished the Atlantis Gene. Decided to wait to start the second book in the series. Now reading The Magicians by Lev Grossman.

    1. Hi, honey (that's my husband, Ken) - thanks for the update! From what I've heard, you should love The Magicians!


  3. I can understand staying up too late with a good book! I haven't read The Goldfinch but I hear that a lot of people are loving it.

  4. Water for Elephants is a nice assignment for high school! I bet the kids like it. Interesting--I didn't know that was making its way onto school reading lists. My daughter has a week left to slog through a Vonnegut book for the last of her summer reading assignments. I'm reading it with her and egging her on!

    1. His school always uses a mix of classic and modern literature. Last year they read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. I love that policy!

      Good for you and your daughter - Vonnegut is still on my list of authors I REALLY need to read!


  5. Water for Elephants - excellent book to be assigned for the summer! Glad he's liking it - or at least not hating it! ;-)

    My post:

  6. Glad you are loving Goldfinch and had a fabulous trip. Your photos are gorgeous! I finished The Story Hour by Thrity Umrigar so it's back to Emma for me . Hopefully it starts picking up soon. I have been busy with our Travel the World in Books Readathon that starts Sept 1-14. Hope you and the family consider joining and reading books set in other countries or by authors from other countries. We have a bunch of books to giveaway, and a couple mini-challenges and chats. Should be low-key, no pressure but lots of fun!

    1. Thanks for the heads-up, Tanya! I will definitely take a look at that. After The Goldfinch, I need to read Ghost Bride for another book group which would fit perfectly. Also, my husband will be out of town for a week AND school starts tomorrow, so maybe I can manage a bit more reading & blogging time :)


  7. I love Donna Tartt's writing style. Beautiful.

  8. Hello there Sue. I've read so many conflicting reviews about The Goldfinch - there are some who found it too meandering while others loved it. I belong to the latter category and enjoyed the exquisite writing and storytelling. Beautiful book. :)

    1. I didn't know anyone had described it as meandering...that seems odd to me, as I'm finding it so compelling that I hate to set it down! It is long - for sure!


  9. Have you read Ape House by Sara Gruen? I loved it, but never made it to Water for Elephants--I need to pick it up.

    Happy reading this week! :)

    1. I always meant to read Ape House because I loved Water for Elephants but I never got to it. Will have to move that back up my list again!

