
Monday, June 09, 2014

It's Monday 6/9! What Are You Reading?

Wow, super busy last week. My youngest son finished his sophomore year of high school last week. I spent much of the week driving him to various places (36 more days until he can drive by himself!!), and then he headed off to his grandparents for a long weekend. My oldest son was home from college, went to the beach with friends on the weekend, and is now off to his first day of summer session (not too happy about that!). On the plus side, my husband and I were alone for the weekend, and we thoroughly enjoyed our preview of the empty nest!

Lots of great reading last week for all of us:
  • I finished Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt for my neighborhood book group. It's the story of a teen girl in the late 80's who loses her beloved uncle to AIDS. All I can say is Wow. It was an extraordinary book from beginning to end! Can't wait to discuss it.
  • I am now reading my first Big Book of the Summer! I started UnSouled by Neal Schusterman this weekend, book 3 of the Unwind Dystology (yes, they created a word for it!). This series is just so the acknowledgements, the author says that he's sold the film rights for the entire series - can't wait to see it on the big screen!
  • Incredibly, I started and finished an audio book last week (that's record time for me): We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. Another great book! This YA novel tells the story of a teen girl in a wealthy family who spend every summer on their private island. She can't remember the circumstances of a tragic accident two summers ago that took part of her memory and left her with crippling headaches. 
  • My husband, Ken, is still reading The Expats by Chris Pavone, an e-book I bought on sale for our joint Kindle account. He says it's a bit confusing at times, as it shifts back and forth in time, but he seems to be enjoying it.
  • Jamie, 19, finished Rebel Heart, book 2 in Moira Young's YA Dust Lands trilogy. He had planned to read book 3 right away, but he was a bit disappointed in book 2 so decided to take a break from the series.
  • Jamie switched back to fantasy (his favorite) and is now reading Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas, the first book in a series. he says it is great so far!
I tried to catch up on reviews a bit last week - I wrote three of them, though I am still a ways behind:
Review of Popular, a teen memoir by Maya Van Wagenen

Review of Wild, a memoir about backpacking and grief by Cheryl Strayed

Review of This One Summer, an outstanding graphic novel for teens by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki

What are you and your family reading this week?    

What Are You Reading Monday is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey, with a kid/teen version hosted by Unleashing Readers.

Remember, this is the perfect time to sign up for my Big Book Summer Challenge! You only need to read one book, 400 pages or more, this summer to participate, so join the fun!


  1. Tell the Wolves I'm Home has been sitting on my bookshelf for over six months. I really need to read it.

    Here's my list:

    1. Definitely make time for it, Wendi - it was outstanding!

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    I have read most of these books. I still need to read Unwind. I don't know why I have a hang up with this one. I just can't seem to get past a certain point. I always hear how awesome it is, so I think I might have to try my audiobook trick. It sounds like my kind of book! Rebel Heart did take a strange turn! I have the last one at home just waiting for me to pick up. Have a great week! ~Megan

    1. I bet the audio of Unwind is great! My problem is that I can't put these books down! I started UnSouled (book 3) this weekend and have been carrying it around the house with me, reading a page or two whenever I can squeeze it in.

      Yes, that's exactly what my son said about Rebel Heart - something happened toward the end that he didn't like. I'll have to get to it soon.


  3. Unsouled and Rebel Heart are two that I need to read soon. I might join your challenge as I plan to read City of Lost Souls this summer, and it is over 500 pages.
    Check out my Monday post

    1. That would be perfect, Lisa! Hope you join the challenge!

  4. I was interested in The Expats. I didn't realize it went back and fourth though, not a style I enjoy, thanks for that.

    1. I haven't read it yet myself, Marce. I gave it to my step-mother a couple of years ago, and she liked it!

  5. Tell the Wolves I'm Home was one of my favorites last year, and I just read We Were Liars a few weeks ago - wow! Have a great week :)

    1. Looks like we have more in common than just central NY, JoAnn! Similar reading tastes!


  6. Wow! You listened to WE WERE LIARS so quickly! You must be different from me. I only listen in the car. I should start listening while I do laundry and such, and maybe I would get more books done! I am glad you like the UNWIND books. They hold a special place in my heart. :)

    1. Ricki - That just shows you how compelling this book was - it usually takes me a month to finish an audio book! I wore my iPod around continuously and kind of ignored my family ;)

      All of us love the Unwind series!


  7. You have some great books so far this summer. I hope the rest of your summer reads are just as good!

  8. I love reading about the books that your book club reads. Big Book Summer Challenge sounds inviting. Currently reading The Goldfinch - that definitely qualifies, and it's taken me months to plod through the first 400 pages or so.

    1. The Goldfinch definitely qualifies, Myra! And the challenge would be good incentive to finish it! One of my book groups chose it for September, so I will be reading at the end of the summer.

      Come join the challenge!

