
Monday, May 05, 2014

It's Monday 5/5! What Are You Reading?

Happy Cinco de Mayo! I really can't believe it is May already...April went by in a flash!

I spent a lovely, relaxing weekend at the beach with my two closest friends. We went kayaking out on a quiet, peaceful creek, walked on the beach, played games, and talked and laughed nonstop!

So, I am feeling refreshed and rejuvenated this morning, ready to start a new week! Here's what my family and I have been reading this past week:
  • I am almost finished with The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater, book 2 of the Raven Boys series. It's been wonderful, just as good as the first book, and I should finish it today.
  • I am also almost finished with Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morganstern. This one has taken me a long time to get through because partway through I decided to return the library's copy and get my own copy and then I reread parts of it. I have also been implementing some of her advice as I read. Last week, I did her Quick Sort to get rid of all the paper piles on my kitchen counter, and it worked wonderfully!
  • My husband, Ken, is reading The Hangman's Daughter by Oliver Potzsch on his Kindle. It's a thriller set in Germany in 1660.
  • Jamie, 19, is reading The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, one of the new purchases he made with a gift card last week that he's very excited to read! It's a medieval fantasy with "the suspense and wit of a crime caper," pretty much combining all of my son's favorite things.
  • Craig, 16, finished MacBeth for his Brit Lit class (and did very well on the exam for it!). Unfortunately, his teacher ran out of time and is going to have to skip their last planned book, Frankenstein. I told my son I was sorry he wouldn't get to read that one, but he said, "That's OK - MacBeth was actually pretty good." Music to my ears from my son who normally claims he doesn't like reading!
I was able to catch up on some reviews last week:

Review of The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, a modern classic.

Review of The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick, which I loved!

Review of The Carpet People, written by famed author Terry Pratchett when he was just 17.

What are you and your family reading this week?    

What Are You Reading Monday is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey, with a kid/teen version hosted by Unleashing Readers.     


  1. I love MAGGIE!! Shes one of my top authors. Happy reading.

    Check out what we are reading this week.
    Also, enter to win a copy of After the End by Amy Plum

    Leydy @OUaT & RCE

  2. Your weekend sounds wonderful! I think I need to read that Time Management book! Ha! I have lots of piles of papers!! It never ends, especially with all of the kids' school stuff.

    The Hangman's Daughter sounds interesting. I hope your husband enjoys it!

    Have a good week!

  3. What - you actually just made me realize it's Cinco De Mayo. This means I've been working way too much! And I liked The Raven Boys but haven't gotten to Dream Thieves yet. Glad to hear it's good too. I'll have to bump it up my reading list.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I like that you are merging your two blogs--I tried to maintain 2 blogs a while back, and that did not work! I bet you will be very happy with this move. I am thinking I should get the organization book too---I have so much paper, but so much other clutter too. I want to simplify but don't know where to start!
    Have a great week-

  5. Thanks, Kim!

    I do still have another blog about chronic illness, so 3 was definitely too many!

    Besides the time mgmt book, Julie Morganstern also wrote a book on organization: Organizing from the Inside Out (I think). I actually bought both of them, and she suggests you read the organization one first, but I started on the time mgmt one from the library before I knew there was another. So, you might like that one, too!


  6. I am a huge Maggie Stiefvater fan and LOVE the Raven Cycle series. I can't wait for the third book! Dream Thieves caught me by surprise. I was expecting more about Blue and Ganzy.
