
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Snapshot Saturday 9/21

Snapshot Saturday is hosted by West Metro Mommy Reads.

I noticed a few glimpses of fall last week while I was walking in my neighborhood, though it is still very green here:

The first few maple leaves on the ground

Japanese maples lose their leaves early here.

But we still have plenty of flowers blooming!

And lots of green in our neighborhood!
 Hope you are enjoying the weekend!


  1. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures. Yes, our trees have already turned yellow and many leaves have fallen off them. You still have some greens.

  2. Yea, fall is here! my favorite time of year.

  3. Nice photos.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot

  4. Our Purple Mountain Ash has dropped a few leaves but the rest haven't even turned. I think we still have a few more weeks of warmish weather ahead. Please take a look at my page:
    Anne's Snapshot Saturday

  5. What a lovely area you live in, it's nice to see the contrast- it's spring in Australia of course.

  6. We've started having just a few glimpses of autumn too--I'm enjoying the first few signs of the season change!
