
Monday, June 24, 2013

It's Monday 6/24! What Are You Reading?

Whew, summer has definitely arrived in Delaware. It is supposed to be in the 90's all week, and the humidity is sky-high already - you step outside and it feels like you've run into a brick wall. Not my favorite kind of weather. But it's a perfect day to stay in the air conditioning and read!

I had a busy week, taking care of my son who is recovering from knee surgery, hosting my mom for a few days, and going to my neighborhood book group, so I am running a bit behind on reviews. I am declaring this week catch-up week! Here's what we read last week:
  • I finished The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh in plenty of time for book group. Like everyone else in my group, I loved this novel about a young woman who has grown up in the foster care system, with no love or support, and how she builds herself a life as an adult.
  • Now I am reading Arcadia by Lauren Groff for my other book group which meets this week. This is a novel about a boy who grows up on a commune in the 70's. It is engrossing so far, and I am looking forward to discussing it.
  • I am still listening to Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter on audio, though I didn't have much time for it last week with all that was going on. It's an engaging story that goes back and forth between 1960's Italy and modern-day Hollywood. Loving it so far!
  • I also squeezed in a middle-grade graphic novel last week, The Silver Six by A.J. Lieberman and Darren Rawlings. Graphic novels are a good choice when time is limited! I really liked this one and will try to write a review this week.
  • My husband finished The Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson this weekend and agreed it was a compelling and fascinating book. Some of the second half of this novel set in North Korea is a bit confusing, but we enjoyed discussing it. The details of daily life in North Korea are horrifying.
  • Now, Ken is reading Gone for Good by Harlen Coben, a nice, small paperback for his business trip this week!
  • Jamie, 18, continues to enjoy his summer reading time and fly through books! He finished ALTDORF, a Historical Novel of Switzerland, by J.K. Swift (The Forest Knights, Book 1).
  • Now, he has moved onto another freebie on his Kindle, City of Rogues by Ty Johnston, Book 1 of The Kobalos Trilogy (The Ursian Chronicles). He's been on a major Medieval fantasy kick.
I didn't write any reviews last week - just a couple of posts:

 Gender Bias in Book Reviews - based on a fascinating study, with a look at my own reading habits.

Weekend Cooking, with a couple of our favorite summer recipes.

Don't forget, it's only the first week of summer, so there is still plenty of time to sign up for the Big Book Summer Challenge! It's super-easy and relaxed, as summer should be, and you only need to read one book of 400 pages or more to participate. So, join the fun!

What are you and your family reading this week?

(What are you reading Monday is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey, with a kid/teen version hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.)    


  1. You have piqued my interest on Language of Flowers again.

  2. Anonymous1:13 PM

    The Language of Flowers has been on my radar for awhile, will have to try it. And your husband can't go wrong with a Harlan Coben--I love his books. Happy reading this week.

  3. I am excited about Beautiful Ruins!

  4. sandra martin10:55 PM

    I just finished "Where'd You Go...Bernadette. .....a gift from my grandson Jamie. It was good....a bit unusual but I enjoyed it. Thanks Jamie! I did read Beautiful Ruins but didn't like it all that much. Oh Well...maybe it was netter on audio.

  5. I've heard nothing but good things about The Language of Flowers. I have to bump it up my list! Have an amazing week. :)

  6. I was the only person in my book group that didn't like The Language of Flowers. I found the girl so frustrating. I did think that the whole language of flowers was good, though. Arcadia sounds interesting. I will look into it. Let me know how your book club discussion goes.

  7. Have a fabulous reading week!!

    The Brunette Librarian's It's Monday, What Are You Reading post 

  8. Anne -

    I might have been frustrated by Victoria's actions in The Language of Flowers, but I thought the author did a great job of filling in her background and explaining where her actions came from. She had been unloved and unsupported since infancy and felt completely worthless and unlovable. Under the circumstances, I think it is incredible that she eventually did make a life for herself - many people in the real world can never overcome such a terrible start.


  9. Mom!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! So glad you liked Bernadette - I had heard it was unusual but good. I can't believe you didn't like Beautiful Ruins - as I've been listening, I've been thinking, "Mom would love this"!


  10. sandra martin12:36 PM

    I bet it was better on audio. I LOVED Arcadia as you know. Definitely will read it again sometime. Believe that was a gift from you. Thanks again for taking me to you book club for The Language of Flowers. Really liked it!
