
Monday, April 15, 2013

It's Monday 4/15! What Are You Reading?

Happy Tax Day to my U.S. readers! Yup, big excitement today.

We had another busy week here, and my streak of great books continues!
  • I finished The Yokota Officer's Club by Sarah Bird for my neighborhood book group and absolutely loved it! It's a novel about a military family and the secret event that tore their family apart years earlier. The author has a great sense of humor - I was laughing out loud from the very first pages! - but the novel is also warm, heartfelt, and sad. All the 60's pop culture references added an extra layer of fun.
  • At the same time, I started listening to an audio of The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom, the selection for my other book group that meets this week (yes, I waited until the last minute again!). My library had a long wait list, so I started with the audio that was immediately available at the library and then switched to the paper book when a friend lent me her extra copy. It is excellent so far (both on audio and on paper), about a 6-year old Irish girl who is traveling to the US with her parents and brother in the 1700's. Her parents die during the voyage, so she is indentured to the man who had paid for their passage. She grows up among the slaves on his plantation.
  • My husband, Ken, finished The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King, a new book in the Dark Tower series (Ken says it is like book 3 1/2) and enjoyed it.
  • Ken is now reading The Thirteenth Child by Patricia C. Wrede, based on recommendations from my son and I!
  • Jamie, 18, had a very busy week in college and no time for pleasure reading. I think he is ready for summer!
  • Craig, 15, finished reading When the Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka for his freshman lit class. It's about the Japanese internment, and he said it was very good (high praise from someone who doesn't like to read!). I'm next in line for this one!
 I wrote one review last week of:

Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver.

I also wrote a Weekend Cooking post about a new slow cooker cookbook I recently bought - the recipes I have made so far have been great!

And a post about a great opportunity for teens who like to read and write.

What are you and your family reading this week?

(What are you reading Monday is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey, with a kid/teen version hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.)  


  1. I love that you share what your husband and sons are reading too! Yokota Officer's Club sounds interesting, I love books that really immerse you in a different place or time. The 60's sound fun! I borrowed The Thirteenth Tale from the library and can't wait to get to it. Here's my Monday What are You Reading list and Blogaversary Amazon Gift Card Giveaway if you'd like to stop by.

  2. I'm glad that you're enjoying The Kitchen House. I'll be very interested to hear what you think of it once you've finished it. I enjoyed it somewhat too, but you can read my review to see what I ended up thinking about it by the end. :-)

    Hope you've had a good couple of weeks. I've been a bit MIA lately! Enjoy your reading!
