
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday Snapshot 2/23

At Home with Books hosts Saturday Snapshot.

It's been awhile since I've posted a Saturday Snapshot. We've had a rough month here, with our younger son home from school much of the time due to bronchitis, two sinus infections, and knee surgery, all accompanied by flare-ups of his chronic illness. So, I've been busy cooking (teen boys eat a lot when they are home sick!), doing dishes, taking him to doctors, keeping him company, and running to the drugstore and grocery store. I've had almost no time at all for writing or blogging.

I did, however, take some short walks around my neighborhood, just to get out of the house for a few minutes! I was very surprised this week to see signs of spring already. I guess Phil was right. We have had a very mild winter here, with no measurable snow and temperatures often in the 40's or higher. My husband is happy, but I miss the snow and know that the mild winter probably means an unbearably hot, humid, and long summer.

Anyway, here's what I saw in my neighborhood this week and last, in mid-February!

A neighbor's daffodils are almost ready to open already!

Rhododendron is already budding out.

Our pear tree is covered with early buds.

Hope you are enjoying a nice weekend!


  1. My goodness what a great deal of caregiving, lovingly I'm sure. And spring!

  2. I meant to take a piture of our daffodil this week. I hope it hasn't died in the cold and rain the last few days.
    I love buds. Thanks for sharing these.
    Have a great week.

  3. Hooray for spring! I hope your household will be healthy now that winter is almost over.

  4. I have daffodils in my yard already as well. Love spring.

  5. I live in L.A. so it's not the same BUT I did see some ranunculus ...a beautiful sign of spring wherever you live.

  6. Love your pictures of the daffodil and tree buds. Trees and flowers here at are at the same stage, with tint buds bursting into leaf over the last few days, but it's turned bitterly cold again, and I don't know if that will affect the plants. My Snapshot is

  7. I was startled to see our azaleas blooming at the end of January!

    Here's my Saturday Snapshot!
