
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday Snapshot 1/26

At Home with Books hosts Saturday Snapshot.

Well, Delaware finally got some snow this week. Just a light dusting Monday night (and some more last night), but it left the world looking like a winter wonderland. I grew up in Rochester, NY, so I like snow in the winter. If it's going to be really cold out, I'd rather have snow on the ground, too.

One of my closest friends grew up in southern California and hates the cold weather, so she called me and another friend to go for a short hike Tuesday morning, with the temperature in the teens. She figures if she can enjoy one of the coldest days of the year outdoors, then she can manage the rest of winter :)

Here's a view of the snowy nature center where we took our walk:

Ashland Nature Center in the Snow
Hope you are enjoying this beautiful (cold) weekend!


  1. Pretty! It's very cold here in the New Hampshire! Even the dogs don't want to be out too long; there footpads get too cold! Time for a more temperate temperature ... like maybe back up to the 20's and 30's ???

  2. Sue that is my kind of snow.... just a little bit :)

  3. That's a lovely path. And don't they look wonderful dusted with a bit of snow!

  4. Well, I am enjoying the fire much that I have to take a break and go get more wood on the porch! Love the way the light falls on the path. Stay cozy♫♪

  5. It looks lovely, and just a little bit of snow is perfect. We had way too much, and now it's raining again, and we've had way too much of that as well.My Snapshot is at

  6. Brrrrrr!! But beautiful - hope you enjoyed your walk :-)

  7. Cold here in Southwestern Ontario, but not as deep cold as it was earlier in the week.

    Nice path for a walk.

  8. Cold, but lovely.

  9. I'm not a big fan of the cold either, but I'd rather have it be cold and dry than cold and rainy (which is what it has been this week - temps in the mid to high 30s, wet and miserable).

  10. That would be a beautiful shot of a bridge without the snow, now it's just incredible.
