
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday Snapshot 1/12

At Home with Books hosts Saturday Snapshot.

I didn't have time to take many photos this week, but I did grab my camera on Wednesday when I was lying out on my deck (wrapped in a big blanket!) and noticed how cool the clouds looked:

Hope you are having a great weekend! It's supposed to be 60 degrees here today!


  1. Wow! Beautiful pattern against those skeletal trees! The lighting is so neat, too!

  2. Those are some neat looking clouds! The angle is great, it's almost a visual puzzle.

  3. IF there were no trees, those clouds almost look like snow.

  4. They are fantastic clouds. My Snapshot is at

  5. what a nice sunset in your background photo. I like this photo also very interesting clouds.
    We do have good food here and too often we go abroad instead of exploring our own backyard. When I first moved to the US I was just starting my career and I thought new country new area, and explored at home. when we were in Montana-we had the best homemade pies-now I know they are not a meal but just stop at a roadside stand and there you have it. My husband sometimes goes to Oregon and I make him bring me back boyesenberries

  6. I love cloud photos and the trees are great. Love it!

  7. It looks like ripples in the sand! :)

  8. What an interesting shot! I like the rippling, soft cotton clouds vs the dark thin lines of the trees. Very cool.

  9. They do look cool.

    It is 61 here today and going to be in the 30's the rest of the week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot
