
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday Snapshot 9/15

At Home with Books hosts Saturday Snapshot.

After months of hot and humid weather that kept me indoors, this week was lovely here in Delaware, with comfortable temperatures, sunshine, cool nights, and brilliant blue skies:

I so enjoyed being able to get outside a bit this week and look up at that gorgeous sky!  (And that is my beloved VW in the photo - its 20th birthday is this month!)

Hope you are enjoying the lovely weather this weekend - take your book outside!


  1. We've had a lovely cool turn of the weather here in Ontario too. Happy Birthday to your venerable VW!

  2. It has been nice leaving all that hot, humid weather behind! So glad you were able to get out and enjoy it.

    Here's my Snapshot.

  3. It's turned cooler here as well, and not a moment too soon! I love the beautiful blue sky in your photo.
    My Saturday Snapshot

  4. I'm a Marylander and I'm enjoying the cooling temps too! It looks like this was taken on a picture perfect day!

    Congrats on the VW's 20th anniversary!

  5. All that green and the splash of red make a lovely image. How can you not love your life with your VW convert ready and waiting for you. I used to have an old vw beetle convertible which I adored.

  6. Hard to imagine such heat, especially after this year's English summer. But everything looks very green.

  7. I'm afraid I'm already missing the heat, it's a little cool here today, and reading is not so comfortable.

  8. I'm glad that you're enjoying more comfortable weather- we are too (although it's warming up, not cooling down in Australia).

  9. We've gone grey and cool all of a sudden in Missouri, but I'm looking forward to days like that in the next few weeks.

  10. A lovely sky! Your VW looks like it's holding up well after 20 years.

  11. What a gorgeous blue sky! We had a beautiful day here in Chicago too. I went on a birding field trip this morning and before we knew it 4 hours had flown by ... it was so nice outside.

  12. You have a lush landscape and invites one to go outdoors.Good suggestion: Read a book outside in sunshine. Or in the shade or drive in the countryside.

    I enjoyed the Life of Pi after I passed the first few chapters. At the beginning I had a hard time in continuing the reading.

  13. I love the sky, it looks beautiful! Looks like your VW is holding up really well after 20 years. :)

  14. Such fun on a beautiful day. I had a brand new 1972 Beetle when I was very young:)
