
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Books Read in March

Wow, March seemed to go by in a flash!  And, oddly enough, it came in like a lamb, with 80 degree weather, and went out like a lion this week, with temperatures in the 30's at night and high winds.  I love seeing the bursts of color everywhere and am looking forward to April.

In March, I read:
  • Irises by Francisco X. Stork, a teen/YA novel.
  • The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender, a unique novel I read for our library's book discussion.
  • An Abundance of Katherines by John Green, a teen/YA novel and my first John Green, finally!
  • The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, a hilarious childhood memoir by Bill Bryson.
  • Glory Be by Augusta Scattergood, a middle-grade novel set in Mississippi in the 60's.
  • Falling Together by Marisa De los Santos, a novel listened to on audio.
So, a total of six books - that seems to be my usual monthly achievement!  I read/listened to 2 adult novels, 1 memoir, 2 teen/YA novels, and a middle-grade novel so that was a nice mix. I'm a bit behind in reviews but hope to catch up over spring break.

My favorite?  Tough call, but I think I enjoyed The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid the most, though The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake was a close second.

As for my 2012 Reading Challenges, I added 5 new states to my Where Are You Reading list: California, Texas, Mississippi, Iowa, Pennsylvania and added a second book set in Tennessee.  I didn't read any new dystopian novels this month, but I did read my first memoir of the year for the Memorable Memoirs Challenge.  For the 12 in '12 Challenge, I added one more book (for a total of 3 so far) from my TBR shelf, all 3 recommended by my husband.  It's clear I should have listened to him and read these long ago!  And I finally added one title to the What's In a Name Challenge: something you'd see in the sky (thunderbolt).  I was starting to wonder if I'd ever make progress on that one!

How was your reading month in March? What were your favorites?


  1. It did go by fast! Whew!

    What did you think of the De Los Santos? Have you read any of her other works? I am a rabid fan, but I couldn't finish Falling Together. I am wondering if maybe I should try on audio...

  2. Hi, Cath -

    Interesting that you said that because I did feel that Falling Together dragged in parts and I wondered if it was because I listened to it on audio (it takes me ages to finish an audio book because I am only able to listen in short spurts!). So maybe it was the fault of the novel and not my listening habits! I also read Love Walked In and enjoyed it.


  3. It sounds like you had a good month! I need to write up my recap. The weather in March sure was odd. It was the warmest on record here!

  4. Hope you had an awesome Easter. I plan on reading Ship Breaker sometime soon - I've heard so many good things!
