
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday Snapshot 1/28

I saw this meme over at Bibliophile By the Sea (one of my favorite book blogs) and thought I'd join in the fun!

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce @ AT Home With Books.

Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don't post random photos that you find online.

This is a photo of sunrise, taken from my front door, a few weeks ago.  We've had a very mild winter so far, which is fine with me, though we did have some very dark, wet, gloomy days this week.  As long as the sun is shining, I'm good!
Hope you are all enjoying a nice weekend with good books by your side.


  1. Sunrises are so wonderful to experience, aren't they? I posted one today too.

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I love the look of the clouds - and the lavender shades of them.

  3. Hi!
    Great snapshot! Beautiful sunrise. We've had some pretty gloomy days too. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  4. Hi Sue! Love the picture... it makes me long for summer... and sun!

  5. That is so pretty! So many great colors in the clouds!

  6. That's a lovely shot -- nice of the weather to cooperate with you!

  7. Wow, thanks for all the nice comments, everyone!

    I am not normally a sunrise kind of person, but when you have to get up early anyway to get your kids to school, it's nice when the sky cooperates for you and wakes you with a magnificent show!


  8. God, that's SO pretty. It looks like the sky is hanging down, doesn't it? Lovely picture.

  9. Looks like it sure pays to get up early where you live -- just gorgeous. Thanks for the sout-out Sue.

  10. Very nice! We, too, have had a relatively mild winter.

  11. Lovely picture. Sadly I didn't get to do much reading this weekend- working too much- I hope your weekend was better.
