
Monday, October 03, 2011

It's Monday 10/3! What Are You Reading?

Wow, October already?  It finally feels like fall here, after a very wet, warm, humid September.  Once again, not much blogging time last week.  Our oldest son has been suffering through a severe flare-up of his chronic illnesses, so we have sort of been in crisis mode around here lately.  He's back in school this morning, and we are making some changes to his medications, so we are hoping October will be better.  We just have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, as always, our books bring all of us comfort during trying times:
  • I finished Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and loved it (again).  I intended to post a review of it for Banned Books Week, but things really fell apart here at the end of the week.  I will get to it this week.  It's such a clever book...and so ironic that it was banned!
  • I am now (finally) reading Linger by Maggie Stiefvater - pure fun escapism which is exactly what I needed!
  • I am also reading (I admit the bathroom!) When Parents Text: So Much Said, So Little Understood by Lauren Kaelin and Sophia Fraioli.  A fellow book blogger passed it along to me, and it is hilarious!!  I keep reading texts out loud to my husband and sons.
  • And I am listening to Trail of Crumbs: Hunger, Love and the Search for Home, a memoir by Kim Sunee, and am thoroughly enjoying it.
  • My husband, Ken, is reading The Passage by Justin Cronin and enjoying it.  It's fun to have someone to talk to about it now, but it's hard not to give too much away!
  • Jamie, 17, was home sick most of the week, so he read a lot.  He read The Last Apprentice: Rise of the Huntress (#7) by Joseph Delaney, the latest in a favorite series.
  • Next, he read a brand-new book he picked out at the bookstore a few weeks ago - not part of a familiar series for a change!  He thoroughly enjoyed The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima.
  • Then, he finally began an old fantasy series that is one of his Dad's favorites, The Belgariad by David Eddings.  He said Book One: Pawn of Prophecy was a bit slow until the end, but the action has really picked up now in Book Two: Queen of Sorcery.  Ken has been trying to convince him to read this series for ages!
  • Craig, 13, has been reading The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman.  He is taking an AR test on it at school today, so he'll be switching to a new book this week. 
I posted just one review last week, Middle School is Worse Than Meatloaf by Jennifer L. Holm.  I also wrote two lists, Top Ten Books I Want to Reread here and Top Ten Kids/Teen Books I Want to Reread at Great Books for Kids and Teens.

What are you and your family reading this week?

(What are you reading Monday is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.)


1 comment:

  1. I just finished Forever - so won't say anything - did you like Linger?
