
Monday, October 17, 2011

It's Monday 10/17! What Are You Reading?

Ah!  It finally feels like fall here - I am loving the sunshine and cooler weather.  Sweatshirt weather!

Another busy week around here (aren't they all when you have teenagers?), but we did take some time this weekend to relax together.  As always, we enjoyed our books this week:
  • I finished Forever by Maggie Stiefvater...which means I finished the trilogy, finally!  I really enjoyed it.  Check out my review of the last two books, Linger and Forever.
  • I am now reading The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley, another book I've been meaning to read for a very long time.  I'm enjoying it so far - it's very clever.
  • My husband, Ken, finished The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch, a newly released teen/YA post-apocalyptic novel.  He said it was good, a little dark (but then, post-apocalyptic novels tend to be dark - it does take place, after all, after an apocalypse!).
  • Now he is reading a thriller I gave him for his birthday, The Redbreast by Jo Nesbo, a Norwegian author who has been compared to Stieg Larsson.  Ken says he's still at the beginning, just trying to keep the characters straight!
  • Jamie, 17, is still reading his Dad's old favorite fantasy series, The Belgariad by David Eddings. He has finished Book Three: Magician's Gambit and Book Four: Castle of Wizardry and is now moving onto Book Five: Enchanter's End Game, the last book in the series.  He has really enjoyed this!
  • Craig, 13, is reading Woodsong, a memoir by Gary Paulsen, author of one of our favorite novels, Hatchet and its sequels.
Last week, I posted reviews of two books: When Parents Text: So Much Said, So Little Understood, a hilarious book, here at Book by Book and Linger and Forever over at Great Books for Kids and Teens.  I also posted a link to a Today Show interview (and kids' review) with Brian Selzniak, author of Wonderstruck and a discussion of reading on devices versus traditional books.

What are you and your family reading this week?

(What are you reading Mondays is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.)


  1. YAY for finishing the Forever trilogy... I felt she left the ending open enough for another book...

  2. Could be, Sheila - you never know! I liked the way the ending hinted that things would be OK but left things a bit open, too.

    Stiefvater just released her newest book, The Scorpio Races.


  3. Sue I just came over to check out your book blog because I've just finished Caleb's Crossing and was interested to see if you'd enjoyed it as much as I did since I've only had a chance to talk about it with a couple of people in that post great book obsessive haze one gets in! Nothing came up when I searched your blog so perhaps you haven't had a chance to read it yet. It IS tragic in parts (I cry the minute sthing gets sad - hopeless!!) but so interesting. Reminded me a little of The Poisonwood Bible. I hadn't thought to read Linger but I know Harriet loved it....shall go and find it as I need a new book now! BTW sorry to cross pollinate blogs but could you accept me as friend to new facebook group again please. Doesn't seem to have worked...unless for some reason it's not instantaneous because it's a closed group? Cheers

  4. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I love that your whole family reads! I wish mine would. They just really don't understand my fascination with it. I loved The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. Clever is a very good word to describe it.

  5. Hi, Annie -

    So glad you came to check out my book blog!! I've been wanting to talk books with you (my favorite topic!).

    I have read all of Geraldine Brooks other novels and LOVED them but haven't read Caleb's Crossing yet. I'm not very good at reading the latest releases - too many older books already stacked up on my shelves! But I will definitely get to this one, since I love Brooks' novels so much AND you compared it to Poisonwood Bible, one of my all-time favorites!

    If you're going to read the Maggie Stiefvater trilogy, start with Shiver, the first book.

    I had to approve you as a member of the new parents group because it is a closed group. It's not like I'm turning anyone down, lol, but this process provides a layer of security and privacy to the members. You're in it now - see you there!


  6. You've been very busy around here! I hope you enjoy The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. I thought it was a fun read. Have a great week!

  7. Sue, I can understand the not getting to the new release thing that's for sure! The Poisonwood Bible is a fabulous book.. we seem to have fairly similar taste! (I've been trying to read The Lacuna for months though and just can't get into it. Will persevere)The texting book you reviewed looks hilarious and I'm pondering who I can give it to for Christmas so that I can read it after them!
    I think with the Facebook group the approval just didn't work the first time and now the page says 'request sent' but still needs you to approve me for a second time? However maybe, since according to the group list , I AM already a member you didn't get my second application? All v mysterious.... In between the other zillions of things you have to do when you are feeling comparatively well, could you see if you got a second request from me? Thanks : )

  8. Hi, Annie -

    You are already listed as a member of the Parents group and I didn't receive a second request. Try just going to the group:!/groups/164665786958252/

    Let me know if it still doesn't work, and we'll figure it out.

    When Parents Text is hilarious! And I love to do what you said - buy my husband or my mother a book as a gift that I want to read too! I do let them read it first, of course...
