
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall Into Reading Challenge 2011

OK, I normally don't DO challenges.  My life is just too hectic.  I find it hard enough to find time to read and blog, let alone taking on additional reading commitments.  But this weekend, I came across a challenge that even I can do!  It's the Fall Into Reading 2011 Challenge, hosted at Callapidder Days, a new-to-me blog I just discovered and will be following.  The rules are simple (you can read the whole list at the above link) - you make your own list, as long or as short as you like, of books you'd like to read this fall.  I can do this!

So, I looked at my normal rate of reading, then came up with a list of 10 grown-up books and 10 kids/teen/YA books (I like to alternate) that I hope to read between now and December 21.  Here's the grown-up side of my list:
  1. Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich
  2. The Song Catcher by Sharon McCrumb (my neighborhood book group's next pick)
  3. She’s Not There by Jennifer Finney Boylan (next pick for my other book group)
  4. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
  5. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (for Banned Books week)
  6. Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
  7. Reservation Road by John Burnham Schwartz
  8. Midwives by Chris Bohjalian
  9. The library's book discussion pick for November
  10. The library's book discussion pick for December
I chose quite a few short, light books since I just spent the summer reading several Big Books!  All of these books (except the book group picks) are currently sitting on my very overloaded TBR shelf.  I've included a photo so you can see just how "overbooked" I am.  On the top two shelves, everything to the left of the gaps is mine - the short stacks to the right are my husband's - plus the entire bottom shelf...all TBRs waiting to be read!  So, this will give me a good excuse to work down those piles.

If you are interested in my Fall Into Reading list of kids/teen/YA books, head over to Great Books for Kids and Teens.  Sounds like fun?  Join in!


  1. I always love this challenge. She hosts a spring one each year too. You have a nice mix on your list--I want to read The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie too--maybe next year?! ;)
    Have a great weekend...

  2. Looks great, Sue! And I'm so glad you think my challenge is a good fit for you. I'm happy to have you along! I really liked Sweetness at the Bottom... It took me a little while to get into it, but I ended up thoroughly enjoying it. Hope you enjoy all your fall reading!

  3. I'm so glad I inspired you to join this one! :-) It's a great, laid-back challenge. I liked Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, and I'm starting Fahrenheit 451 today! Have fun with the challenge!
