
Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's Monday 8/29! What Are You Reading?

I'm posting this a bit early this week because on Monday morning, we'll be at the hospital waiting while my 17-year old son gets all 4 wisdom teeth removed.  Fun stuff, eh?  That will cap off several extremely busy weeks.  Having the hurricane come through this weekend has been the most relaxing part of the week (and we had three extra teen boys sleeping over for the storm!).

Amidst all this craziness, reading gives us a chance for a bit of downtime here and there:
  • I finished the middle-grade novel Alibi Junior High by Greg Logsted and really enjoyed the unique story about a boy raised by his CIA dad all over the world who has to attend public school for the first time.  Watch for a review this week.
  • I have now embarked on one last Big Book challenge for the summer.  I started Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth.  I am a Follett fan from way back and have wanted to read this book for a long time.  I am 120 pages into this 974 page paperweight and expect to build some muscles while carrying it around for the next few weeks!  It's very good so far - already gripping.
  • My husband, Ken, is still reading Tropic of Night by Michael Gruber and enjoying it.
  • Jamie, 17, actually read both of his required summer reading books in one week, proving once again that procrastination pays off!  He read The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa, which he said was OK but not as good as the fantasy novels he wanted to be reading!  
  • He also read The Metamorphosis by Kafka, which he said was strange and pointless.  I asked whether he didn't think there might be some symbolism and hidden meaning in the brief story, since most of the book was taken up by notes and analysis (which he didn't read)....nope, just a strange story.
  • He also re-read book 3 in the Fablehaven series, Grip of the Shadow Plague, and is now reading the fourth book, which he got for his birthday, Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary.  He loves this series and is enjoying it much more than Kafka!
With something going on outside of the house every single day last week, I didn't have any time for writing reviews, but I hope to get back on track this week when school starts up.  My writing time will expand exponentially!

What are you and your family reading this week?

(What are you reading Monday is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.)


  1. I'm very impressed you're picking up another big book! I think it would take me a month to get through a book that long! But I hope you enjoy it. And I hope your son made it through getting his wisdom teeth removed without too much pain.

  2. I second Julie's comment on reading big books. I've been holding off on reading The Stand for the SK challenge (it's 1000+ pages). I wish I could just sink my teeth into it but I'm too chicken to devote that much time to it right now. Good for you for diving right in!
